XLVIII. A Little Bit of My Heart

Start from the beginning

            I felt like I was on fire. Something was ignited in my body and it wanted to escape.

            The feeling was raw and it hurt. Something between my thighs tingled and subconsciously I opened my legs as to relieve myself of the mysterious pain.

            Harry moaned as he slipped himself between my legs. His lips parted from my own for a pure second as he muttered. "Shit Ariana I fucking love you."

            I giggled faintly as the heels of my feet rested on his bum. "I think I may love you more." I murmured as I ran the pad of my thumb across his cheek.

            I felt Harry's tongue run across my lips, making me yelp is surprise. "Harry!" I laughed.

            "No I think I might love you more." he remarked.

            "Well I know I love you more." I challenged.

            "Okay, but I've always known that I love you more." Harry kissed my nose, making me giggle. "I'll give you this one Styles."

            "You don't need to give me anything but your love and tiny angel kisses." He sang as he rocked himself against me.

            "Harry stop!" throwing my head back as I laughed.

            Harry stopped all together and sandwiched me against the sofa. "Harry." I whined. "Get off!"

            Harry didn't make an effort to move and to make matters worse he was snoring. "Harry you better not have fallen asleep on me."

            I knew Harry had this sleep thing where he could fall asleep anywhere at any time, but this was just ridiculous.

            A minute of silence later, Harry spoke.

            "Ariana I'm fucking tired." he moaned.

            "Then go to sleep, in your room." I told him.

            "I wanna cuddle though." he muttered. "Ariana cuddle with me."

            "Get off me first, then."

            Harry finally rolled himself off me, but he had now switched positions with me. I was now lying on top of him with no means of escaping as he had me encased in his strong arms.

            "Harry I-" another round of snores cut me off, and I inevitably gave in and rested my chin on his chest. "I love you."

            "I love you too." he murmured in his sleep, making me smile faintly.


            No amount of cluttering could wake a sleeping Styles. I figured out that much when I easily escaped his arms and roamed the kitchen, amongst other areas of his flat.

            It was well into the morning now I assumed, as it felt like I'd just woken up from a year long nap. Those kind of naps you need to cherish once you hit university.

            I was trying to familiarize myself with his flat, and so far I knew the location of my room, his room, the lounge area and the kitchen.

            Harry's flat wasn't too large, but it did leave a bit of a lonesome essence from knowing only Harry and Louis shared a place like this. I felt like I was exploring the Amazon; there were things everywhere- things I can't even see!

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