The General of Fear (part 2)

Start from the beginning

The General of Fear released Lord Stretton and turned his closed eyes towards Renen, Lord Stretton left stammering. Smart boy you have here, Stretton. Very well, we have a deal. We will speak again when my terms have been met. Farewell. With that, his upper torso went back within the limits of the portal.

"Cl-l-lose the portal," Lord Stretten stammered, standing upright now, pointing at Renen.

"Yes, uncle," he replied, taking the staff from Octavius' convulsing hand and touching it to the golden ring, his heart in his chest. But this time the circle closed at his touch like it was supposed to, and the fire died instantly, leaving the room dimly lit by the torches on the wall.

"Men," Lord Stretton said, gaining his composure now. "Take Cadri back to her cell, and bring in Nexa."

"Nexa?" Renen questioned.

Lord Stretton gave him a look that meant that they wouldn't discuss it around present company, and Renen kept his silence.

The men about them quickly went to their tasks. Cadri was escorted out.

Once they were alone, Lord Stretton looked at Renen. "Do you know the dangers of what you just did?" he demanded.

"I-I- I only wanted to help. You were--" Renen stuttered.

"You know how delicate these deals are. I don't trust Fear. He might try to use the shakiness of the new deal to his advantage. If we allow him to change the terms once, who knows what you've opened the door for him to negotiate?"

Renen now realized his error. "I-I'm sorry, uncle."

"It matters not," said, stroking his chin. "We will regain the advantage, don't worry. You're still an apprentice with much to learn. Given everything in consideration, it could have been worse. Much worse."

Just then Nexa was brought before them in all of her reptilian glory, her scales glistening in the torchlight and her milky one eye staring into the distance. You called, your majesties?

"Men, you can leave now," Lord Stretton instructed.

The Aracs emptied the room, and the three were left alone. "But uncle, why have you called for Nexa?" Renen asked.

"Because now we have a problem. We can't use Cadri to fulfil the terms of the deal we've made with Fear. She's needed for the sacrifice to free the Dark Lords once we have all of the keys to their prisons. So we need the location of another chosen of the Ancients. She's the only one that can help us with that."

Your majesty already knows how these things work. Pitrious and I were only summoned for two purposes. We learned for his majesty that Cadri was chosen by the Ancients, and we have agreed to escort Cadri to the Island With No Parallel. If his majesty asks me of anything else...

"I know. You will ask for another price. I'm willing to accept that."

Nexa smiled and showed a huge line of black teeth. Then I am at your majesty's service. What do you require of me?

"I can't take any chances. I want to know the location of all of those that have been chosen by the Ancients."

Nexa's mouth twitched, in pleasure, almost. Quite a large order his majesty makes. How does his majesty intend upon paying such a request?

Lord Stretton considered it a moment. "I will send one of my own armies to set fire to an entire town of Ecencia."

Nexa made an odd squealing sound. The king sending his armies to kill his own citizens. How delicious. I accept your terms. But I will accept nothing less than 10 thousand deaths, you understand. Not any old small village, we're discussing.

"Of course."

Very well then. Anything else?

"No, you may go back with the Aracs that took you here."

As Nexa left, Lord Stretton caught the reaction that flashed across Renen's face. "There... won't be a problem, will there?"

Renen set his jaw, forcing his sister's words out of his mind. "No, of course not."

Back in her cell, Cadri knew she had to warn Yunara. She slipped off the silver ring she had on her finger. She went to the bars of her cell and looked around. No one was around. She kissed the silver ring, activating its power.

Suddenly she wasn't in the prison cell. She was standing beside Yunara, who was lying in bed, staring out the window.

"Yunara," she called.

Yunara jumped and turned over to see her. Her face portrayed confusion, shock, and relief all at once. "Princess Cadri!"

But Cadri's face was stern. "Yunara, listen very carefully. I don't know how much time I have before someone checks on me in my cell. There's been development."


Hmm... so Fear has changed his terms. What does this mean for the Chosen? Will Stretton get to them before they can be united? Give me your predictions in the comments and don't forget to vote!

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