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Manuel repeated the same phrase in Spanish that she couldn't pronounce the first time she tried, nor the second time, or the third. She sighed in exasperation after the phrase fell apart in her mouth once again. Her head wasn't in it. All she could think about was that it had already been a week since she'd been approached by the Ancient Ones, and as far as she knew, Manuel hadn't received any letter yet.

At first learning Spanish sounded like a grand idea. But as the lessons went on Yunara began to remember how hard it was for her to learn English, even when she was learning it in Crilan schools as a child. And she remembered why she didn't even try to learn the Fairy language when the opportunity presented itself.

She was horrible with languages.

As Manuel proceeded to rattle off yet another "common" Spanish phrase, and she nodded as if she understood, she was inwardly wishing that she never agreed to this. She secretly mourned Manuel's wasted time in trying to teach her in what he didn't know was a lost cause.

"Try to repeat what I just said back to me."

Yunara bit her lip, her mind drawing a blank and her tongue freezing where it was. She couldn't even remember what he just said, much less repeat it back to him.

Seeing the lost expression on her face, he said it again, a little shorter of patience this time, and a great deal slower.

All she could do was shake her head in despair and apology. She didn't know why she even agreed to this. She was so excited about getting the job, she didn't think about the language learning that had to come with it.

"Have you even been listening?"

She was. She was just doing just doing a terrible job of it. "I'm sorry," was all she could say.

He sighed, as Yunara imagined he was starting to get an idea of what he was working with, and she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Perhaps we're attempting too much in one day. Let's just review old words instead of introducing new ones so quickly. Let's practice the introductions again.

He proceeded to ask for her name in Spanish, and even though she thought she knew how to give it, the way he shook his head old her otherwise.

"Let's try again tomorrow," he resigned.

Yunara couldn't get up and leave the room soon enough.


Wandering the masia was a sure way to unwind. She may have had trouble learning the language, but she loved the Spanish architecture. The home was beautiful inside and out, with stone walls and arched doorways in every room. The terracotta floors gave the whole house a warm feeling that permeated the walls. Artfully made paintings hung in the halls and greeted her as she passed them by.

She found herself again at the painting of Manuel's father. As her eyes gazed into his hazel ones, she wondered what he could see in his life. Would he be able to see her if he was alive today? Why didn't his son share his abilities, then?

She thought about that notion. She was living on Earth now, meaning she would have to pretend to be from here. She dreaded it, in all honesty. She loved her identity as a Naiad and despised the notion of having to hide it. She knew of Caorfians that did it, especially when their profession was in trading Earth goods with Caorfian countries. But she never envied them. This would definitely be difficult for her.

"Como va el Español?" she heard come from behind her. It was Maria with her usual warm smile, though the only thing Yunara could understand in the entire statement was something about Spanish. She shrugged pathetically to show she didn't understand. Or feel like hearing anymore Spanish any time soon.

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