Shattered (part 1)

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Manuel, Yunara, and Kailu stood at the deck of the ship as men ran to an fro barking at each other in Arabic. Out in on the water was a daunting ship much bigger than theirs, with black, torn up sails on the masts that made it look like a ghost ship. It advanced towards them at an impeccable speed, and Youssef's crew was in chaos.

Youssef came up behind them. "Here's the plan. We have to let him chase us, or he'll suspect something's wrong. Then when he boards we'll try to explain everything as soon as possible."

"While they raid us?" Kailu questioned dubiously.

Youssef shrugged. "Yes, while they raid us."

Then the cannons started. Behind them, Valentini's ship was catching up. Yunara wasn't sure how long Youssef was planning for the chase to last, but it didn't look like it was going to last long. Water exploded at their sides as cannons missed them and struck water. For now.

Youssef went to address his crew, ropes being pulling and loosened all around.

Yunara tried to keep herself calm, but she hadn't been doing well since the attack with Nevres. She tried not to let it show, but she couldn't deny she was losing her nerve. The Aracs were relentless. There was not a moment they weren't being followed by them. And every time, they brought Dark Ones. So far they'd been lucky. But not even the King and Queen of Ecencia were able to avoid their fate. What made Yunara any better than them?

The flashes were threatening to come back again. Keep it together, Yunara. You can't do this now, she thought to herself. She clenched her fist so tight her nails left dents in her palms. The repeated message in her mind managed to pull her from the depths in her that threatened to pull her in.

The ship started picking up speed, but not nearly enough. Valentini's vessel was built for chase, and the blasts from the ship was coming closer. The ship shuddered and lurched to the side as a cannon ball grazed the side, sending splintery wood flying.

Valentini's ship sided theirs, the name of the bark etched in silver on its side, Fantasma. The pirates were close enough to shout taunts to them in Italian. Their ship came in even closer, and the raid had begun.

Pirates swung onto their ship on ropes, armed with swords and pistols.

"Our weapons!" Manuel shouted. He was right. Their weapons were in their rooms.

Without another word needing to be spoken, they ran down to their cabins. Yunara had barely entered her room when a pirate came running in after them.

Manuel emerged from his room first, his sword at his side. He clashed with the pirate in the hallway, the sound of metal ringing filling the air. The pirate he fought against held a scabbard in his hairy knuckles, a playful smirk on his stubbled face. He wore his blouse with the top buttons undone, hair visible from his chest and showing a sturdy build.

Yunara grabbed her canteen of water, making the water inside of it flow out into the shape of a block over the pirate's head. The pirate looked up in confusion a moment before it turned blue as she solidified it and made it come crashing down on his head. The man slunked to the ground. Manuel looked at her, impressed.

Kailu had grabbed her sword instead of water. "So what do we do now? Do we join the fight or look for cover?"

That was a good question. They needed to look for Valentini. But they wouldn't be able to do that if Valentini's crew killed them first.

"I say we try to help Youssef's crew," Manuel said. "Otherwise, we'll never be able to talk to Valentini."

"I think I agree," Yunara had to admit. "It's what we came for, after all."

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