Spanish Baron (part 1)

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Feet started to come out of the hearth. They hit the dry ground with a sloshing sound, their webbed feet dripping with water despite the fact that they emerged from flames. There were two pairs of feet that Yunara could see from where she was laying under the bed. Her heart was pounding against the cold floor.

She heard the sound of wet nostrils sniffing at the air. "Your offering is satisfying. What's more is that royal blood was the one shed. Very... rich in taste" One of the creatures growled. Her stomach turned.

"What is your request?" the second one snarled. "By your enchantments, we are bound to your words, and your words alone until your request has been complete, if your terms are fair."

"From what my research says," the prince started. "You both have incredible power over oceanic waters."

The first one had a deeper voice, as if it was a male version of whatever these beasts were. But Yunara still couldn't tell which was Nexa or Pitrious. "Yes. The push and pulls of the tides and the fickleness of the sea winds is our playground."

"Good. We need navigation and protection over treacherous waters. Me and my men. We are transporting precious cargo."

One of them let out a shrill laugh. "Navigation? You don't summon the great Nexa and Pitrious in replacement for a compass," said the shriller voiced creature.

"You're right. What we need out of you is of grave importance. The cargo... is chosen of the Ancients."

The two creatures went silent for a moment. "Then where is Lord Francis Stretton?" said the female. "Or are you the protege he spoke of?"

"I am. My name is Prince Renen of Silcrest. Son of King Edward of Silcrest. This is Octavius Sherwood. Your kind is already familiar with him."

"Yes..." said the male. "We are very familiar with you, Octavius of Sherwood. And of how you like to trick Dark Ones in your summonings. You have stated your terms. And the payment for Nexa and I?" Pitrious was the male, it seemed like.

"You may take the lives of as many of our enemies as you'd like. But the most precious reward will be that you make the extract of the blood of Cadri yourself when the time comes. When we bring her before the Island With No Parallel."

The creatures paused again. "You lie," the female, Nexa accused. "From the beginning of the summoning there has been a hidden presence here."

The prince sounded confused. "What are you talking about? There is no one here but us and the dead king and queen."

Yunara's breath became short. They had sensed her.

"Nexa, have these men been lying to us?" Pitrious asked, his voice becoming enraged.

"My all seeing eye does not lie," Nexa responded. "They lie in wait there, under the bed."

One of the pairs of feet walked over to the bed. The creature bent down to look. A salamander-like head stared at her with empty eye sockets. It started sniffing at her with wet nostrils.

She screamed, rolling to the other side of the bed. Renen looked at her with wide, enraged eyes. The creature stood. "Treachery!" It shouted, pointing. It was Pitrious, by the sound of his voice.

The two creatures were like standing salamanders. Pitrious was a black slimy creature with huge arms and long claws at his fingers, his thick tail whipping around back and forth. But he had no eyes. Nexa was gray, with one, big, milky eye. But she had no arms. Her feet were webbed and thick with long claws, and her tail had barbs all along it.

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