The Wisdom of the Imanu

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When Yunara woke up the next day good in the mid-afternoon, she realized how late they'd really stayed up the night before. It was probably five in the morning by the time they reached the "inn". But when did she fall asleep? She didn't remember going to bed. The last thing she remembered was...

With a jump and a flush of heat warming her face, she realized where she'd slept, and remembered vaguely the image of Manuel leading her groggy and half-sleep body to bed, even tucking her away under the covers.

But as embarrassed as she felt about it now, she realized that he didn't complain about it in the slightest. She couldn't help but think back to his gentle kiss and words on encouragement from the day before. Even the kind way he talked her down in the bring of Luca's ship.

He really cared for her.

Yunara found the realization strange. She always had Cadri as a friend, but never anyone to look out for her. No one to gently lead her to bed and tuck her in, careful not to disturb her. Or just let her weep into their shoulder without a word spoken. He didn't know Cadri, but he shared with her the grief of losing her friend.

It reminded her of her papa, she thought with a smile. He was always there for her when she cried. He didn't say much either. It was just comforting to have him there when she was hurt. To know he would always be there.

A warm feeling filled her chest to remember her parents back in Crila. It'd been a while since she'd revisited those memories. The days before they died. She realized they would have been proud if they could see her now, knowing their little girl was strong enough to push on, all by herself, and grow into the trusted friend of the princess of Ecencia. But then again, they always told her she was strong, and that she'd make it somewhere someday.

She took a deep breath, surrounding her mind with the words of encouragement from Cadri, Manuel, even her parents years ago to push away the fingers of doubt that clawed at her. She could do this.

A creaking noise took her attention from her contemplations. Someone was opening her door slowly, peering at her through the crack.

"Oh, good," Kailu said, opening the door the rest of the way. "You're awake. Shi'ran's ready to show us how to contact the Imanu. Manel was right. Lorenn recognized the drawing of Darius from his father's book."

Yunara nodded her head, throwing her covers off. "Let's go."


The now completely assembled Chosen surrounded Shi'ran, who now looked to be much more comfortable with a cleanly shaven face and studiously observing Manuel IV's book in his hand.

Luca was recovering quite well, according to the doctor, whom Luca proceeded to kick out of the room as soon as he was finished with his examination. Despite the way Luca pretended to admonish him, Yunara suspected he really appreciated the doctor's help. Elven medicine was renown throughout Caorfi. He probably never experienced treatment of the like before. Thankfully, it looked like he was quickly going back to his usual self. Not that his personality was dampened in any way by is near-death experience or anything.

"From what Lorenn tells us," Shi'ran started, standing and addressing them all like a classroom. "This is Darius."

The illustration he showed them was a masterfully depicted hybrid creature that looked like a mix between a wolf and a fish. Its upper body was of a wolf, with a vicious-looking maw and claws at the ready. Its lower body was a fishtail that took the place where its hind-legs were supposed to be.

"I don't think I've encountered his species before, but I've met species like him and I think I know how to get his attention. It looks to me that he's part of the aquatic subclass of Imanu."

Luca raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Speak English, man." He shrugged. "Or Italian."

"You see, according to many old books that's been uncovered in recent years, there are hundreds of Imanu subclasses. Different races in other words."

"Ah, thank you. So much clearer." Luca rolled his eyes, looking absolutely bored by the whole thing.

Kailu smacked his arm. "Shut up. Let him finish."

Shi'ran cleared his throat disgruntledly, but continued anyway. "Yes, well, usually members of this species can be attracted in a common way. We'll have to go out to sea. Not far. Just far enough to get away from the coast."

"Do you know where we can find one quickly?" asked Manuel.

Shi'ran scratched his chin. "I have some friends that would help without questioning us too much. I can just tell them that I went into hiding for meditation purposes and would wish to remain undisturbed. I don't think they would tell anyone after that."

"Unless your friends are Aracs, that is," Luca interjected.

At this point Kokl appeared in the middle of them. "Absolutely not. I've alerted him to most every acquaintance of his that I discovered to be a member of the Aracs. He's sent me to keep a close watch on them on multiple occasions. You can be sure that Shi'ran knows very well where his allies lie."

"And besides," Shi'ran added. "Even as the princess mentioned last night, the Aracs have bigger things to worry about right now. They're probably going to be busy preparing world wide. You don't understand just how huge all of this is. The aracts will have enough power to come out of hiding, on both Earth and Caorfi. The most powerful Dark Ones in existence will be released for the first time in centuries. It changes everything. Summonings will be conducted to bring forth even stronger Dark Ones than the ones they had access to before. According to legend, the Dark Lords were imprisoned along with some of the most dangerous Dark Ones known to man. Not only that, but with the Lords released, Dark Ones would be free to wander the world with nothing but the Aracs to reign them in, no longer with the need to return to their place of summoning once their task is complete." He shook his head. "Believe me, they have enough to prepare for than to be concerned about us.

Kailu crossed her legs from in her seat. "So what are we sitting around here for? Let's go!"

Well, I would suggest going at night. It will give us the best chances of getting Darius to wander by us. He looks to me like a nocturnal creature."

Yunara clenched her fists anxiously. She didn't like having to wait, but it didn't look like it could be helped.

Shi'ran flipped furtively through the book. "Other than the drawing, I don't see any notes on Darius here, probably for security's sake. And the illustration is the only one. I'd like to talk with the owl for a while, if you don't mind. Lorenn, was it?"

Lorenn flew into the room. "No problem!"

Yunara noticed that Lorenn seemed much livelier since they'd learned more about being aware and seeing the Imanu. She supposed that the Unseeables missed their interactions with mortals. She wondered what a world where people communicated with the Unseeables would be like. They seemed like such kind creatures that were always willing to help. Even Kokl, who tried his best to appear disgruntled obviously cared deeply for Shi'ran. If more people had the ability to see them, the Aracs wouldn't have nearly as much power as their did. Their strength was in preying on people that had no idea about them or how to face Dark Ones and beat them. Like the dolphin that advised Yunara about Krileon. Manuel's parents obviously came to the same conclusion. When all this was over, she would do everything in her power to make sure that the number of people like Shi'ran, Fernando, and Luca grew. The world could only benefit. It would be her ode to Cadri, she resolved.

Youssef crossed his arms over his chest. "So we'll leave more in the evening time, then. That way as soon as night falls, we'll already be at sea."

"Good idea," Manuel agreed.

So it was settled.

Yunara battled knots forming in her stomach. This was it. Everything was coming to close, one way or another.

But she was ready for it. It was time to draw an end to what the Aracs started, once and for all.

The Island With No Parallelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें