A Tale Finally Told

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Manuel didn't usually have problems with sea sickness, but with the ship now moving so quickly thanks to Darius, he felt his stomach lurching almost constantly. But he didn't care much–not with so many important things happening just now.

This was it. This was all coming to an end finally. He had two matters he wanted resolved before it did. Yunara... he wondered where she would be after all of this was over. If they arrived on time to the Island, he couldn't be sure. Cadri would take her rightful place on the Ecencian throne. Would Yunara go back to being her servant? Or would she be willing to accept the life he had to offer her? He would leave most of his life in Spain behind. Of course, he would make arrangements for his servants. In fact, he would even offer for most of them to come with him. Since Earth money worked fine on Caorfi, it wasn't like he'd be starting from zero. He would buy himself some property, hire people to work it and build businesses. Much like he already did with his father's land. She would never have to work another day in her life. His existing wealth and plans for trade and business would more than accommodate her.

But in the end, it was her decision. And with the current troubles she must have had on her mind, he didn't think it would have been appropriate to bring it up. But that didn't mean it burned him up any less on the inside not knowing.

So he resolved to seek out the other matter he wanted to know before this was over. It wasn't the only reason he was there anymore, but his heart wanted to know all the same.

Fernando must have known they would encounter Darius on their journey to complete this task given to them by the Ancient Ones. Darius would know the story of how his parents were killed.

It was late, and with the ship driving itself, no one was required to direct it, so the night was still when Manuel stepped out onto the deck. The glowing entity hadn't moved from his spot, his entire being still an almost blinding silver radiance.

Taking out the bell he'd brought with him from his pocket, he let it ring softly. "Lorenn? Are you there?" he whispered.

Lorenn came flying down to land on the floor in front of him. "What is it, Manuel?"

"I know you said that Darius shouldn't be interrupted, but can he at least talk? I wanted to ask him some questions."

Lorenn cocked her head, her huge eyes reflecting the light from the stars like two bright disks in the darkness. "Yes, of course. He can talk, he just wouldn't be able to lend any power to aid us when the Dark Ones strike. All of his power must be on guiding the ship safely to the Island as quick as possible. But you can speak with him all you want."

"Thank you."

Lorenn turned to Darius, holding a brief exchange in the ancient tongue.

Darius turned to look at Manuel, his luminous eyes startling as he did. "What is you you wish to ask, son of Lord Suarez?" Lorenn translated.

"If you didn't mind, I have a rather personal matter I'd like to resolve."

Darius tilted his head in interest. "Yes?"

Manuel cleared a tickle from his throat. It felt strange finally getting the answer to the unsolved question he'd had in his heart since he was a child and his mother died, and then two-fold when his father followed after. It resurfaced all of the grief and uncertainty that he realized was over 20 years old. A wave of emotions crowded his chest, and he found he had to force his words out. "Why did Lord Stretton kill my parents? How did it happen?"

Darius sighed, a very deep and sorrowful sigh. "Ah, yes. They were good people, your parents. I was truly saddened by their deaths. Not too long after you were born, your mother was killed in a trap laid by Lord Stretton. Your father went into hiding afterwards to protect you, but then was also killed." Darius then returned his attention to the seas and didn't continue.

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