"Took you long enough!" Stiles exclaimed in an annoyed tone as he does out of the parking lot and made a beeline for the interstate.

"Whoa, slow down Stiles. What even happened?" Scott asked, obviously not believing anything I had told him. After Stiles explained EXACTLY what I just did, I gave Scott the rudest look in the rear view mirror that earned me a middle finger in my face. He asked for it.

We pulled onto the highway, Scott's head poking out the window. I swear, if he gets decapitated I will laugh. Maybe this is why people don't like me... That or I'm just shy. Nah it's the first thing.
Scott navigated Stiles off an exit that led to an abandoned section of forest just outside town. Dead trees littered the sides of the road and dead leaves were scattered all over the road. The air was thick with smoke and fog and smelled distinctly of rotting wood and asbestos. The road had potholes so deep that Bigfoot would get his foot stuck in them. Bits of gravel were scattered on the road, creating a bumpy ride; it was not pleasant in the slightest.

"Turn left. Her scent ends like half a mile up that road," Scott instructed. So that's why he was enjoying the wind in his face like a dog in the summer. Stiles made a sharp left, lurching me towards the right, slamming my head on the window of the car, leaving a small crack in it. I rubbed my head in pain and closer my eyes to get rid of the stars that spread across my vision. A concussion right now would NOT be a good thing.

We pulled up near an old warehouse that looked so rundown that I swore it would collapse any day now. The chipped paint made the scene eerie along with the ominous color of the sky in the background. The dead trees cast gloomy shadows over the ground in a foreboding warning. I instantly felt a knot in my stomach and thought we should just turn around. I could tell something bad was going to happen.

Warily, I opened the car door and closed it as quietly as possible without keeping it open. Stiles and Scott followed suit and I could see Scott's wolf nails come out for protection. I knew he was a wolf. I knew it. I did the same, accidentally puncturing my hand. A trickle of red blood slid down my wrist and up my sleeve slightly. Thankfully it didn't drop on the moist ground so no one would be able to trace it back to me if we got caught.

"Isaac, go straight through the doors
and if it's clear, give us an okay sign," Stiles instructed me.

"Um no. Why do I have to do it?" I retorted, trying not to raise my voice at his ridiculousness.

"If you die, we won't really care!"

Scott whacked Stiles upside the head and he recoiled. "Stiles, play nice. Yeah we don't like him but he's helping us, isn't he?"

"Okay good we're all on the same level. I hate you guys as much as you two hate me," I nodded my head, flipping the end of my scarf back over my shoulder after retracting my claws.

"What is with the scarf? It's a secret mission, not Project Runway," Stiles asked incredulously.

I rolled my eyes at Stiles. "It's cold dumbass."

"There's this thing called a jacket. You should invest in one."

"Guys. Stop. Seriously. We're hiding behind a jeep right now; it's not exactly the best hiding spot. Especially when you old ladies are bickering like that!" Scott whisper yelled at us, afraid we would be found.

"Okay fine. I have a plan. Isaac, go around back and see if there is another way into the warehouse. Scott and I will go carefully into the front and if we see Rian, we're going to get her out. I suggest you do the same. When we get her, race back here and we'll try to get away before we're caught. Does that sound reasonable?" Stiles rolled his eyes at my facial expression that showed I had no interest in what he was saying.

Love Bites *DISCONTINUED*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant