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"Rian. Rian breathe you're okay," Stiles assured me as I lay on the hallway floor, my head spinning.

"Stiles I can't breathe," I whispered, a hand flying to my throat in an attempt to rip it open to allow air to reach my lungs.

I felt two arms pick me off the floor and walk quickly in a direction I couldn't clarify. My eyes were slowly shutting from a brain overload as my panic attack intensified. I heard Stiles's voice but I couldn't make out what he was saying to me. My body began to shake slightly as Stiles placed me down on something hard and cold, causing me to curl into a small ball to let the panic attack run it's course.

"Rian. Rian. Can you hear me?" Stiles asked nervously, his hand rubbing circles on the small of my back. I nodded slightly, trying to let him know my auditory senses were still working. "Breathe. In through the nose and out the mouth. You can do this. You've done it a million times before you can overcome this I promise."

I felt tears start escaping my eyes as I twitched, my mind soaring through all the memories of me and Scott through the years. I knew he was dead intellectually but emotionally I couldn't deal with it yet.

"Rian. Do you want me to call Isaac? Would that help?" He asked, trying desperately to help me calm down.
I shook my head as I inhaled deeply, trying to fill my lungs with as much oxygen as possible. This time, I felt assurance that I was in fact breathing and would live. Knowing I wouldn't black out calmed my heart beat a little and my sight was finally coming back.

"I'm okay," I managed to say in a whisper. I could barely hear my own voice over my thoughts but I knew Stiles heard me when he back away a little.

"There you go. Easy. You're all right." He cracked a relieved smile.

Fifteen minutes later, Stiles and I were walking down the hallway like nothing had happened. No one had noticed that I had collapsed to the floor just twenty minutes prior in the midst of the worst panic attack of my life.

"Babe!" Isaac smiled when he saw me, pulling me into a hug.

"Hey love." I wrapped my arms around him, trying to engulf myself in his warmth. Even though it was warm out, I was absolutely freezing.

"You seem off, are you all right?"

"Yeah, fine. Just cold is all." I shot him a reassuring smile, hoping he would believe me.

He took off his lacrosse jacket and handed it to me. "Here, take this."

I smiled and thanked him as I put it on, inhaling the smell of the cologne I loved so much. "Why do you smell so good? I can't get over it."

"Because I can." He winked at me and we both laughed. He and Stiles were two people that could always out a smile on my face no matter what.

I turned to Stiles. "Do you want to go to the mall after school?" I turned to Isaac. "You too?"

They both agreed and I smiled knowing that this was going to be a great night.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY I HAVE NOT UPDATED IN LIKE A YEAR!! I forgot this even existed but I went on my account and saw I had over 5K reads and thought why not? So here is a random filler while I try to remember where this story is going!

Love Bites *DISCONTINUED*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora