FIRST ending

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Louis P.O.V

first ending

My mind immediately flashed to Megan as if it was programmed to, I stood up straighter before opening my door a little more. "Yes sir?" I asked trying not to sound nervous, I glanced at the clock it was three in the morning. "I'm sure you know Ms. Peterson? Because you were on her emergency contacts list" the man said pointing to her phone which was in a bag.

"What happened to her!" by now I was freaking out and I didn't care if he knew it by now. "Well on her way home a bunch of teenagers were drunk and-"

"JUST TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" tears were already spilling out of the corners of my eyes uncontrollably. "Mr. Tomlinson please." he said looking at me with this poker face, "She was in a car accident no one made it out alive. I'm sorry" he finished observing me as I broke down.

I slammed the door tugging at my hair, this can't be real, not my Megan, they have the wrong person. I cried, sobbed, threw pictures of us around, broke her favorite set of plates. Not my Megan, they had the wrong house.


I woke up surronded by glass, I got up and remebered what happened last night, it only produced more tears to fall out of my eyes. I got dressed and headed out trying to contact the hospital to see if it was true.

When the nurse told me she was indeed gone I felt like I was hit by a train, not only was she gone but she had been pregnant. She was going to have a baby, I didn't care if the baby was mine or Conner's I would've still considered him my son. I threw my phone to the back of my car, and banged my head on my steering wheel.

"Darling I'm sorry I wasn't their. I'm so sorry honey, I'm so sorry." I sobbed feeling as if my heart wsa ripped out of my chest.


The Funeral

I stood in the back and watched her parents clung to each other begging their daughter to come back, I watched Brianna apologize for leaving again and again, I watched Conner wipe tears from his eyes. When everyone had left I walked up to Megan's coffin, it was opened and I saw her pale lifeless body. They had put to much makeup on her but she still looked beautiful, she had cuts on her head and her hair was a frizzy mess, but I just saw the girl I saw when we first met, and when I proposed to her. I took her cold limp hand and held it in mine.

"I just want you to know that I will always love you and you'll always be in my heart" I cried kissing her knuckles. "And that no one will ever compare to you, I just want you to know that okay?" I took her engagement ring out of my pocket and slipped it on her ring finger where it should've been.

"Come back please, baby come back to me" I begged dropping on my knees and laying my head on her stomach, "Please" I cried cradling her face, "I love you" I whispered and placed one last kiss on her lips before leaving her.


Inside Conner approached me, "Lou man I want you to know that Megan and I never had sex, the child was yours" he said his voice cracking, before I could reply he turned and left wiping his eyes furiously. "Louis" her mother cried and ran to me, she hugged me and cried, sobbed, and apologized, "I made her do it, I'm the reason you two aren't married" she wailed. She sunk to my feet hugging my legs, "She's gon and it's all my fault" she cried. I had finally seen this women brake, that's what we all were, broken. Evan tugged her up and carried her crying body away from mine.

I guess love is eternal but life isn't.

So Megan our love is eternal and we will meet again.


It has been a month since the funeral and everything reminds me of Megan. Everything.

I ran to the bar trying to get so drunk I'd forget my name, and hopefully Megan's. Hoping I could persuade myself that we were married and had a son.

"Sir you alright" I looked up at the bartender, who looked just like Megan. I was losing my mind.

They could be identical except she had one green eye and one blue, and her hair was long and pin straight unlike Megan's medium wavy hair.

"Hi I'm Margret" she smiled walking around and slipping into the seat next to me.


I am way to tired to publish the second ending in this chapter so I guess that means one more chappy. Yay :)!

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