Chapter 20

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*Megan's P.O.V*

As I slipped on my heels there was a knock at the door, I glanced at Louis who was asleep on the couch.

Mom: Make wise decisions

She is bothering me. Honestly if she wasn't threatening my dream I'd tell her to go fuck herself, but Under-man is my dream job and I can always find love again. I clamped my way down the hallway and opened the door to fid Conner standing there in a suit and tie.

"Hi?" I started to laugh but hushed myself because I didn't want to disturb Lou.

"Ready to go?"

"You didn't have to pick me up" I almost added that I could drive perfectly fine but let's be honest, your bosses son is willing to drive you. Duh it's a yes.

"Oh but I do, let's go before the traffic gets horrendous"

And with that we were out the door.


Conner held open the door for me and I walked into the chilly building,

"My dad loves his job more than me" Conner said trying to make it sound funny but I could the sorrow in his voice.

We walked into the elevator and a gust of cold air hit my skin causing goosebumps,

"Are you cold?"

No I'm just shivering because I am so sweaty, "Yeah a little bit" I but the inside of my cheek to stop from saying the sarcastic remarks I was thinking.

Conner shrugged off his suit jacket and put it around my shoulders, I couldn't help but blush. I turned the other way so he couldn't see the redness in my cheeks


Conner dropped me off and walked me up to my apartment complex. We stood there awkwardly until I went to give a hug,

"Tonight was great, I'm not sure everybody likes me though" I said while pulling away.

"We'll I like you, my dad likes you. That's all that matters"

I blushed and fumbled with my keys, Conner to my hand and brought it up to his lips. He planted a delicate kiss on my hand before setting it back down, "See ya. "

I stumble into my apartment red as a tomato. I looked around but there was no Louis, I walked around until I stopped out side his 'office' door. I pushed it open to find him sleeping and surrounded by papers. I picked up a paper to find the name of a venue I really liked. I threw it away because soon all thus wouldn't matter, I planted a kiss in Louis's forehead.

This is going to be so hard.


It's been a while!

Sorry for the short update!!!

Gawd I hate the weather rn.

It freaking sucks

Ok sorry for whining

I posted a outfit for this,

It's on Polyvore.

My username is,

meli-n-mnyir and the

out fit is 'Office Party'.

Ok bye


-Melly Belly <3

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