Chapter 12

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*Megan's P.O.V*

He raised his fist. Here it comes. I flinched as he hit the the wall next to me, "Just-" Louis started but started walking away. "Louis!" I cried, I felt the ball inside my stomach twist and the feeling of hot and sticky went up to my throat. I ran to the bathroom and puked the remainder of my insides out. Louis stood by the door and watched me, I heard him sigh after the 5th minute of me puking. He tied my hair back and rubbed my back, "It's okay baby" he soothed, I continued to puke for about another 7 minutes. "C'mon let's get you cleaned up" Louis said in a soft voice, I nodded and stood up, my knees bucked ever so slightly but Louis didn't notice. I brushed my teeth, "Baby take off your clothes" he said while starting the water for a bath.


*Louis's P.O.V*

She took off the 'Trevor's guys' shirt and the short white booty shorts, as she removed her shirt I saw he collar bones, then her hip bones, her wrist and shoulder bones poking out, her back bone when she bent, and a forming of a thigh gap from her. Why? Why would she do this to her beautiful body?


*Megan's P.O.V*

I was now standing I front of Louis in nothing, he stared at all my features with sad eyes and turned back toward the water. "Why" he said while kissing my belly, he traveled to my hip bones and kissed both of them, he took my wrist and kissed the bones that were jutting out there. He went back to my belly and slowly kissed it all the way up to my neck and kissed each collar bone. He stopped and picked me up and put me in the bathtub, he took the shampoo and scrubbed it into my scalp. I brought my knees to my chest and hugged them, he softly brushed my hair then rinsed it, he did the same for conditioner. He brushed my hair all the way down my back, right after he washed my hair he drained the water. I sat there even after all the water was gone, "Help me Louis, I'm scared." I muttered so only I could hear. I had my knees still to my chest, I was fiddling with my necklace. Louis draped my white towel robe and I put it on. He swiftly picked me up right after I put my robe on, "What are you doing" I asked as I watched as he got a apple, watermelon balls, bread, a muffin, oatmeal, cereal, tea, milk, and orange juice out. "I'm helping you like you asked" wait only I was supposed to hear that, "No" "Megan" he said sternly. "Pick one" he said pointing to the apple or the watermelon balls, I picked the apple. Louis cut the apple in half, "Eat, all of it" I ate the whole apple thank god it was only an apple. "Now pick" he said again pointing to the bread or a muffin, "Louis no" "Megan pick now" I chose the muffin and he cut it up into four pieces. "Eat one piece" "N-No" I said while wiping a tear from my cheek, "Just one piece" he begged. I ate half, "Meg, the whole thing" I slowly slid the rest in my mouth tears falling down onto my lap. "Choose again" he said once more, pointing to the cereal or oatmeal. "O-Oatmeal" he put half the packet in the bowl added milk and heated it up, he put it down and took out a spoon. I shoveled a tiny bit at a time hoping he'd give up, instead he took the spoon and fed me. "Megan open" I shook my head, not forcefully he got some in, just get it over with Megan. I let him feed me, "Milk, Orange Juice or Tea?" Louis asked. I added the calories in my head, tea has sugar, sugar is too much calories. "Stop" he said, what? oh I know. He plopped the milk down "Please, drink" fine. "Megan I'm doing this because I love you. You can be skinny from being fit, not starving yourself and puking out everything in you. You can eat but work out and be as skinny as you are now without looking tired, being cold, looking sickly. Not that you have to lose weight because you are perfect the way you are. Megan you are beautiful." Louis said his voice cracking here and then, he opened his arms and I ran into them He kissed my head and sat me down on the couch, "Sleep"

I'm bored.

Wow I probably ruined your vibe rn


Sorry for the mushy gushy chapter.

The sky is blue!!!

Omg did you know that.

Srry I'm just really bored.

Omg Demons by Imagine Dragons would go perfect with this chapter!

Lol I'm listening to it now.

Guys remember that you are beautiful.

Don't change your perfect da way you are.

Byeee loves!


-Melly Belly <3

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