Chapter 22

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*Megan's P.O.V*

It's been about a week since Louis and split, I moved back into to my old apartment, Everything felt empty, my apartment felt empty the bed, me. My mom had set up three dates with Conner but I haven't moved from my bed since Sunday and it's currently Tuesday. I stared at the gown I was going to wear to my wedding, it brought back memories I'm trying to bury deep inside myself. I'm to much of a wimp to face Louis to get my stuff so I just pop in when I know he's at work. I was swimming in my own thoughts when my phone went off.

Conner: I know your mom says your going through a tough time right now but we need you at work

Me: Ok.

My mom honestly doesn't understand, she never experienced love. I know she doesn't love my father the way they look at each other isn't the way Louis and I looked at one another. My mom looks at my dad like he's an animal and she has more power over everyone than the queen herself.

I heaved my self off my bead took a shower and got dressed in work attire, maybe I'll stop by Louis' and get my CD's. Small thoughts of how I could find ways to convince myself to stop at his place carried me out the door and to work.


Everyone was to cheery, the short blond was smiling to much. The guy with the bald head was really starting to annoy me at how much he was laughing, I was absorbed in my own thoughts when I saw someones dress shoes in front of me. "Hello" I said quietly while looking up to Conner, "Hey I was wondering if you wanted to dinner?" he smiled. I peered over his shoulder and saw his dad eyeing us down, "I can't sorry I have to pick up some things from my mom's house" i said trying not to sound blunt. He smiled while shaking his head, "You. have been rejecting me all week" I smiled weakly and promised him this Friday and basically ushered him out the door.


I opened the door to Louis' apartment and when I opened the door I was shocked. I stepped over glass, good thing I'm wearing heels, there was broken plates and cups. My favourite lamp was broken there were many holes in the wall. It wasn't like this the last time I came. "Well,Well, Well. Look who it is. Meggy!" his voice made my blood run cold. I turned to see a disheveled Louis who was clearly drunk. "Look at you! All official and made up" he chuckled taking a drink of his beer. "Louis I really don't think you drink-" "SHUT UP!" he screamed while throwing the beer bottle at the wall beside my head. I let out a loud scream and Louis's eyes widened, "Shh. Shh. You know I'd never hurt you" he cooed while petting my cheek. His breath reeked of alcohol and he was pushing me against the wall. He opened his mouth to say something but blacked out and fell to the ground.

I took that as my chance to run. I ran and ran until I reached my house.

Megan Ann Peterson you are the biggest coward ever.

That's what you are..a coward.

Niall bc he is bae


-Melly Belly

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