Chapter 13

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*Megan's P.O.V*

Louis helped me majorly, I overcame my weakness. It took a while, every morning he'd make me eat a slight more until I could eat a whole plate. I work out five times a week by running and abdominal work outs, the birds outside brought me back to reality. Louis was holding me tight but he was fast asleep, "Megan I want too" he mumbled while gripping me tighter. "Baby you won't regret it" he mumbled again, awh he's still asleep. I looked at the clock that read 1 pm. We really have to get up, I tried but his grip got tighter. "No" he pouted waking up now, "So nice of you to wake up, finally" I smiled. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put my hair up in a messy bun, I undressed I got my new clothes. I was rinsing my mouth in my underwear and bra when Louis came in, "Your like a Victoria Secret model now" he said while burying his head in my neck. "I mean your boobs used to look good but now their like, huge" he smiled into my neck, "Oh, and let's not forget that big butt of yours" he said while giving it a smack. "Louis" I giggled while exiting the bathroom. Louis came up from behind and hugged me while making us fall on our bed, he gripped my waist and brought me closer to him. I wanted this, he stared at my half naked body, he began kissing me but I didn't kiss back. He needs to be teased, I tugged at his hair while biting my lip and swaying my hips a little bit while jutting my butt out. "Stop" he begged while tugging me so I could get closer to him, I got up and slipped my sweatpants on. Then my phone started ringing, it was Trevor. We had small talk for about 5 minutes before Louis came up behind me and slipped his hands down my pants, my pants not underwear. He rubbed circles on my hips and snapped the elastic on my underwear, "Y-yea w-we can" I stuttered into the phone my voice cracking a bit. Trevor started to tell a story, Louis kissed my neck as he rubbed circles that went further and further down to my crotch area. He started sucking on my neck and licking it, I let out a big moan before slapping my hand over my mouth. "Well obviously your busy so I'll pick you up later" Trevor said nervously before hanging up, I threw the phone on the floor and let Louis continue. He tugged on my sweatpants telling me to take them off, by now Louis was dressed in his skinny jeans and everything but I was still in my bra and sweatpants. "Take it off" he rasped, I took it off and went on the bed with him, I pinned him down taking him by surprise and kissing him roughly. He grabbed my butt and rubbed my butt against his crotch area, I broke apart to breathe before going back in for a kiss. Louis begun to open his pants when the doorbell rung, shit Trevor. I ran and put my sweatpants and shirt on while grabbing my shoes, purse, and the clothes I borrowed from him. "Ugh" Louis whined while flipping himself over, "Trevor hey let's go" I rushed thinking back to what just happened to me and Louis. Trevor laughed and started making various sex noises, I playfully hit him in the arm. "Babe" Louis called from behind us, I turned around and Louis was only wearing boxers, Trevor's eyes widened but he snapped his eyes to the floor. "You forgot your phone" He smiled, I quickly ran down the hallway Trevor walked slowly behind me. "Louis put some clothes on" I whispered in his ear as I gave him a hug, he kissed my lips before going on to a full on French kiss. "Now is not the time for that" I said before leaving, "Love you too" he laughed while shutting the door. "Sooooo. Does your mother know?" Trevor asked, I winced when he said 'your mother'. I nodded and we walked toward his car.

Cheeky Louis ;)

Still bored

Ughhhhhh why

*Silently Cries*

Lol my dad is watching me through review mirror and asked me if I was okay

Lolol why does he always catch me making ugly faces.


Ok bye

-Melly Belly <3

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