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"ROUND TWO." That's all I heard, that's all that my ears made out before the sizzling sounds engulfed my eardrums. Everything faded out as I concentrated on him, on the one I have to end. I was supposed to hate this, to feel sick and disgusted, but here I am; enjoying every second. 

Right now, all what I'm aiming for is to beat the guy in front of me until my last breath. My brain is focusing only on which part of his body I should hit first. My heart is pounding fastly, I could count the pulses audibly, my ears monitoring the blood that's been rushing in my veins, my knuckles are bleeding almost making my fingers numb. He threw a nice punch on my stomach, he planned to follow it with another one but I slipped to the left, which threw him off enough so that I could step behind him and get a handful of his hair, I pulled his head forward and broke his nose with my fist. Still holding his hair in one hand, I got my other hand into his crotch and put him on my shoulder and lifted him off the ground, within seconds I slammed him down on the ground, rapidly hitting him right and left, just any way I could. His grunts were echoing, the loud cheers made nothing to cover the sound of his pain, he stood, barely making it on his feet, and stepped back limping. Meanwhile, I was wiping the blood off my nose, watching him with careful eyes, ready to jump on if he had a twisted plan. 

 I wanted him to give up, I know he will but the sooner the better. I'm tired, I feel like I'll faint any moment now, holding the strong mask is hard to keep on for too long. My eyes are blurry making it even hard to stand tall and firm. I promised them it'll be the last time and I want this to end now. Standing above him and looking at his bruised body reminded me of how I used to be. I was just like him, thrown into a corner, pummeled to the limb, just broken

"AND THE WINNER IS- JOSEPH XANDER." The referee shouted against my ear, so close I wanted to make him my next victim but the crowd whistles and shouts kept me sane, my name being roared over and over again gave me pride. Closing my eyes absorbing every sound, I wanted this moment forever. 

I was washing my face when a knock on the door was heard, no one would enter a fighter room unless he needs medical attention, and I don't. Turning my head enough to watch the door I closed the tab, still waiting as I leaned my back on the counter. 

"Joseph!" a beaming voice called me. 

"Victor," my boring tone was enough to let him know he's not welcomed. That I'm done with his bullshit. For years I've been trying to find my way out, to just focus on what I have and inherited but he had to make me suffer, suffer for the only mistake I've made. "What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed as I tousled the towel and dumped it in the far basket. I know for a fact that this man would never come for good, the word good is foreign to him. 

"Well, I came to check up on my boy. How you doin' Joseph?" He asked with his thick accent.

"Are you done?" I said raising my voice a wave. "What do you want? I told you I don't have your money yet, don't you understand?" 

"Oh please, I know you don't have it. But, I have good news," he said, his upper lips twitching into a smirk but I let that slip as I sat on the armchair, crossing my arms around my chest in a jaded manner. "Hurry I don't have time," 

"Well, you'll make time once you know." his chuckle made me sick to my stomach, but I sat patiently waiting for this to be over, "I don't want my money anymore."

Shock and confusion would be an understatement right now. I said nothing for the past three or four minutes, just looking at this old man like he grew a second head. Victor would never do something for free, he'd never let people in debt just; go. There has to be a reason and a bigger plan being all of this. My brain was overwhelmed and unable to form the right words. 

'Why' seemed the only word to come out of my chapped lips.

"Well, I thought you'd do me a favour instead. I'll dismiss you from paying your debt and in return, you'd do me something small," He said taking a puff of his cigar, his chest blowing out the toxic smoke and I found myself inhaling it just as fast as he spread it.  

"And what's the favour?" I asked curiously, bending my leg under my thigh with full interest right now. My poker face was still on but my mind was creating all of those interesting scenarios that might actually happen and I became enlivened

"Now we're talking." He said taking another whiff, "I have this girl, and before you start no she's not from business. Just a random female that we stumbled along when we got rid of her dad, or whoever he is to her. As you know I can't employ any more girls for a certain period of time, I'm being watched by the government and I don't wanna end up behind bars. You know I trust you, for that keep her and I'll never ask for my money," he offered, staring right into my wide eyes, watching every movement and facial expression. I was beyond scandalized, beyond overwhelmed and beyond demented. 

Realizing his words again I was fully nauseated, the fact that he kidnapped a girl and killed her father was making me physically sick. 

"What would I do with her? Will I get into trouble because of this favour Victor?" my arched brow was a sign, if he's getting me into trouble to get rid of me then he's playing the wrong person. 

"I don't know, you're smart, it's a girl Joe, not an alien," his blunt answer was enough for me, she's insignificant in his eyes, and whoever Victor thinks lowly of ends up dead and I can't afford such things now.

"You're basically selling me a girl, Victor." 

"Am I now?" his sarcastic question made me angry a bit, he doesn't care whether he's selling a girl or mastering human trafficking with a prideful grin and within seconds his raucous laughter filled the silent room. 

"I don't think I agree," my hesitant voice gave Victor the chance to convince me again, to twist his talented tongue and pressure me. The uncertainty in my mind was clear, bright as the day, but I still had the possibility of getting rid of Victor and my debt all in one.  

"You don't really have a choice, Joseph. Your days are almost up and I'm sure you don't have the money. You said you won't fight again and your clubs are barely getting cash. So you have a beautiful chance to get rid of your debt and just you're saying no?" 

He's right, what will I lose? I have the money but I could keep them for business, I'll be free from my debts. I'll be winning anyway so why not?

"I'll take her," I said without even thinking, the words were rushed out as if I'll lose the deal any moment.

"Smar choice." he laughed.

What have I done?


Thank you all for reading.


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