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What do we all want before we leave this life? We want to live, to explore, to feel everything higher, to be truly happy, so happy that our eyes go wet and our heart starts racing in our chest. Anyway, on the top remains only one wish, one thing without no one can leave this life, without feeling it at least once: love. A feeling that is born, sometimes, in moments you don't expect or in places where you never thought. That happened to us. We went inside that cave without standing each other, with no feelings and not in excellent relations, but we got out changed. Something had happened in there, a spark was born, and our souls have seen one another in the dark. In there, we saw ourselves as we were, without the daylight masks, and we realized we were souls that had to offer love, dressed with bodies that wanted to seem tough, to protect from the evil in the world. 

The sun's light was making room among the trees, and Ivy and I didn't move from that position, neither went to sleep.

"We forgot to tell them about Kate..." I grumbled.

"I didn't forget... I just didn't know how to tell them," says Ivy.

"We will tell them together," I say. 

They started waking up, one by one. Andy was first, then Deby made a sharp sound, as a sign she was going to open her eyes. Aaron wanted to sleep more, but he got up. We let them enough time to get sober before we could tell them the news. Ivy had fear in her eyes, so I took her hand, and she squeezed it. Deby looked suspiciously at us.

"What's going on?" she asks.

"We have to tell you something," I say.

"But before that, we want you to know that we kept this from you because someone asked us to, for everyone's sake, because we didn't know how were you going to react," explains Ivy.

All the eyes were on us. Andy looked at us with disapproval, Deby scared, and Aaron seemed to know we were hiding something, but he was waiting to see what.

"Just tell us!" says Deby. 

"Two evenings ago, Ema visited us, when I was with Jo to get firewood. She said that she had lost control over Kate, that she turned and ran away. She was looking for her, and she found us accidentally."

"And you thought it's a good idea to hide this from us?!" shouts Andy angry.

"We wouldn't have hidden this from you if Ema didn't tell us to do so because she was afraid you would go after Kate, so we will ruin our mission and put ourselves in danger. She asked us to wait a little more until we tell you," says Ivy. 

"Magnificent job!" yells Andy ironically.

"Andy, she's my sister, and I know she wants us to continue our mission because this is why she left, no? For us to be safe, to keep going!"

"You are so selfish! She's the person that was by my side in the past months! How could you hide this from me?" he asks angrily.

"I'm sorry, but..." 

"No! I don't want to hear anything! You're not sorry! If you have thought only for a second about how I would feel, you would have told me! We could have found a solution together! I can't believe we are at the point where we hide things from each other!" he says taking his head in his hands.

His words were falling over me like bullets. I knew he was right too. I considered I had made the right choice.

"Enough! Stop this!" shouts Aaron suddenly.

"Are you ok with the fact that she lied to us?" asks Andy.

"I can say that I knew she was hiding something, but I was waiting for the right time for her to tell us. She always does that, sooner or later."

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now