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There are things that we are afraid to say, people who we are afraid to get close to, or roads we are afraid to walk on. Everything depends on the courage of going on. If we choose the hard way, we will end up with scars. Scars that will remind us later of the reason we chose that path. It won't be easy, but the final result will be worth it. Two days had passed, and we were going after the shining box. Deby had found in the book an interesting detail. In the box were a map and a spell. The map was going to show us where we needed to go to make that enchantment, that will bring everything back to normal. With every day, we were getting closer to the key.

"We don't have anything to eat!" says Crista.

"We need to stop and find something to eat," says Kate. 

After an hour, we found something that looked like a place where should have been some food. Everything was destroyed around, so we had to check the place first. Julia stayed with Aaron and Ivy in the car, and we got inside the store. Fortunately, we found a lot of tins. Some of them were out of date, but it didn't matter anymore. We took everything we found because we were starving.

When we were getting out of the store, we heard Julia screaming. We hurried and took out our guns. It was a lot of noise, and we couldn't understand anything. When we arrived there, we saw only the three of them.

"What was that?" asks Kate.

"I can see again!" says Aaron laughing. 

"I mean, it's foggy, but I can see! I didn't think I will see again!"

"It's great!" says Deby. 

My eyes filled with tears of joy. Then I said, "Screw what people think!". For the first time in a while, I did what I felt at the time. I hugged Aaron. I expected some strange reactions, but I was the shocked one. The others followed my example, and in the next moment, we were all in a big hug.

After that melting moment, we rushed to get out of there, to find some safe place to eat in peace. We found a field on the side of the road, so we stopped there. While I was tasting a tin of fish, Crista came to me.

"What was that?" she asked me.

"I don't know... I did what I felt."

 "I saw the way he looked at you when you were not talking to each other. I think Julia was right."

"I feel weird. I think I'm falling in love," I said. 

"And what is wrong in that?"

"It's Aaron! You know? That jerk who only knew to mess with people all his life!"

"I think we all changed since we got into this thing, whatever it is," says Crista. "I know that Aaron is not like Andy. He's more impulsive, sincere, careless... But sometimes I think that you don't need someone calm in your life because even if you complete each other, you will always have something to fight about." 

I looked at her, and I suspired. Then I looked at Aaron. He was sitting with Ivy, who was explaining something to him, but I had the impression that he wasn't listening to her because he was staring at me. It is said about the visual contact that it's dangerous, that it reveals things people don't say out loud. Even though, it was something beautiful.

"Remember what you advised me when we were on the ship?" asks Crista.


"Follow your advice, sister."

The night was coming fast, and it was Julia's turn to stay on watch. I couldn't sleep, so I got out from the car, in order not to wake up the others. I went next to her. 

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin