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There's nothing louder and clearer that the thoughts screaming in your head, trying to get out from their hiding place in your mind. They put me into a dreaming state, I and felt I was walking like a robot. I winced from time to time when a little stone got inside my broken shoes. I didn't have another pair of shoes, so I had to keep them as long as I could, or I was going to walk bare-footed. 

"What are you dreaming of?" Aaron asks me.

"About last night," I replied woken up from my thinking mood.

He looked at me curiously, a sign that he was waiting for me to develop my idea.

"I don't know, but I feel something is wrong." 

"Seriously? Jo, there's nothing right in this world! This is the reason were walking in this deserted area, to God knows where to do God knows what!" laughs Aaron. 

"How can you make a joke of every bad situation?" I laugh.

"I used to watch survival shows, apocalyptic movies, and I used to think that if I would ever be in one of those situations, I wouldn't survive more than five days, without hot water, food, perfume, and comb. Now I'm here, walking to nowhere, I don't know how much time it passed, but I managed to adapt quite well, although my hair grew too long," he adds binding his hair at the back into a little tail. 

"You never know what you're made of until you find yourself in a situation where your only choice is to be strong," I say.

"How poetic! You can start writing a book," he laughs and grabs my hand.

"Ha ha!" I said ironically, but I couldn't help myself, and I laughed.

Deby looked at me and laughed. Aaron managed to relax the tensioned atmosphere. From time to time, it was good to have someone who looked at everything as a joke. It was the only way we could forget, even for a few moments, about the real problems. 

We were climbing higher, and it was getting colder, but I liked it. Andy was in front of us, then Ivy and Deby, and Aaron and I were the last ones. At some point, Andy stopped. Deby wanted to say something, but he made her a sign to shut up. Something was behind that cliff, so we hid behind it quietly. Andy looked over the cliff, to see what was there. Deby pulled him back.

"What are you doing?" she whispers.

"I want to see what's there!"

"Fine, but don't expose your head too much! You might lose it!" she said.

Andy looked over the cliff again, but this time more carefully than the first time. After a few seconds, he turns his face to us not very happy.

"We're in trouble!" he said seriously.

"What is it?" asks Deby.

"I'm not sure, but if they are what I think they are, we will fight hard to get past them."

"Leave the mystery aside and tell us!" says Ivy. 

"I think they are berserkers. They are fighters who stay in groups, and they are known for a fact that, even if they are human, when they are fighting they get into a trance, become uncontrollable, and turn into wolves, bears or bulls. They are characterized by red eyes, incredible strength and endurance in a fight, and they were used by the Scandinavians kings in battle."

"Damn, you're a walking encyclopedia!" says Deby. 

"I've seen them once before when I was with Stefan in Greece."

"How did you get rid of them?" asks Aaron.

"We managed to put three of them down, but they die only if you cut their head off, and this means getting close to them."

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now