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In life are a lot of obstacles, hard times, moments when you want to give up, but you don't do that. All of these get you ready so that, in the end, you become stronger. I thought if I will never talk about what I had done, I would never have to face it. I didn't want to tell the others because I didn't want them to have a wrong impression about me.

We were going after the shining of the box. Andy was driving, and Kate was sitting next to him. No one was sleeping. It was going dark. The silence was over us for a long time. Seeing a place where it could have been some shoes, Crista told Andy to pull over. They all got out, but Aaron stayed, and he understood with Andy that he was going to remain with me there.

"Are you ok?" I ask him.

"You looked like you came out of Hell and you're asking me if I am ok?" he says irritated.

"Something like that..." I grumbled.

"What happened to you?"

"I told you, I don't want to remember or to talk about this ever again!" I said with a lump in my throat and put my head between my palms. 

"Fine, but you need to know that if you ever want to talk about it, I am right here," he says and lifts my face from my palms. "Remember this, whatever you've done, nothing changes. You can tell me anything."

"Okay," I said. "Next time, you just don't put in front of me when it's shooting!"

"If I haven't done that, probably we would have been on opposed sides right now. Plus, I owed you, and you don't let me be even" he smiles.

"I want it to stay this way. I don't want to keep counting anymore... "

Deby ran at the car. She threw me a pair of shoes.

"I found in there a lot of nice things! I feel like I'm shopping, only it's for free!" she said amused.

 The others were coming closer, but not that excited as Deby. In front of us was shining something purple among the trees. I hoped our way was not through there because my patience was ending. Of course, only in my imagination we could have been lucky, so the box guided us through that area.

"We have to pass through that," says Andy.

"It doesn't look good" speaks Crista.

"Whatever it is, we will not get out of the car" adds Kate. "Andy, step on the gas! Let's pass through this and quickly."

We went down that road cautiously. Everything was purple.

"It's another portal, like the orange one!" says Crista. "There!"

"Oh, God! What are those things?" asks Deby terrified.

"They are called Sigbins," says Kate. "I haven't seen something like this on Earth. I thought they're mythical."

"And what are the myths saying?" asks Aaron.

"The Sigbin is a goat without the horns. Now it looks like this, with its head between the front legs, but in the daylight, it doesn't walk on four legs, it takes human form, just like the minotaurs. The tail and the claws are their weapons. If they touch you with their tail, they paralyze you, and you are as good as dead. They are predators."

"Damn it," I said.

 I couldn't take too much, even if I didn't want to show that. I just wanted everything to be over because I was tired of running. I needed everything to be back to normal, to live in peace in Vals. I wanted a boring life. Andy slowed down because, in front of us, the sigbins had a passing corridor.

"Go!" shouts Ivy. 

From behind, a couple more sigbins showed up, so Andy put one's trumps, accelerated in front. They hit the back doors with their tails, and the windows broke. In that disaster, the box fell out from the car. Crista saw it and, without thinking, she jumped out after it.

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now