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I missed Julia. I missed her jokes, the pieces of advice, her ironies. I needed her, to hear her talking about Aaron, about how much he changed, about their life from before. When I was looking at him, I was seeing her. I was happy that I had told her about how I was feeling. I had made her happy. Even if I haven't known her for a long time, she always read me so well. She was the feminine copy of Adam. She understood me, and she knew how I felt, even when I wasn't sure. She respected my wishes, and she waited quietly until I said she was right. And I always said that, sooner or later. If I had waited one more day, it would have been too late. The only thing that made me stay strong when I was thinking about her was the fact that I managed to tell her that she was right. 

We were heading towards the key we needed, and we knew one thing. We needed to watch our backs continuously. The supernatural creatures who were after us knew where we were because of my smell. It was an awkward situation, but I tried not to think about it very often.

"Are you ok?" Ivy asks Aaron.

 "I'm glad that we made out alive and that we recovered the box. We avenged Julia..." he whispered.

"Yes..." Ivy adds.

 "When we arrive in an area that looks secured, we should stop and take a breath," says Andy.

"I think it will take a while," says Kate. "We're being followed."

"Why are you saying that?"

"That white van from behind us," she says. 

Truly, we had a white car following us. Andy accelerated, and the van followed us. We couldn't hope for nice people anymore. Andy was speeding, but so were our followers. We went on some cobbled roads, trying to get rid of them. I took the box instinctively, and I put it inside my blouse. For a moment, it looked like we got away from them, but at a crossroads, they appeared in front of us, from the left side, and tried to block our way. But they lost the control of the car and hit us badly. Our car fell into a ravine and rolled over once; then it hit a tree.

They remained stuck between two trees, above us. I came to my senses and looked around. Something was flowing on my face, and I was sure it was blood because my head hurt badly. Aaron and Ivy got away only with a few scratches, so they hurried to help the rest of us. Kate had her arm stuck between the chairs, and Andy's leg was bleeding, cut by a piece of metal.

"No!" I hear Crista.

She put her hands on her face, and she started shaking badly. Her face was covered with blood.

"I can't see with my right eye!" she yells shocked. 

She was hurt the worst because the impact was on her side. She was cut, but she tried to remain calm.

"Crista, don't freak out! Let's get you out of here!" says Ivy.

We all got out, and Ivy covered Crista's eye with a blouse, to stop the bleeding. Then I heard noise from the other car. In our rush to get out, we forgot to take some guns. I helped Kate to get out from the trap she was in, and Aaron and Deby helped Andy get out.

"You are an idiot! I told you that you're going to get us killed one day! You were supposed to kill them, not us!" says a feminine voice. 

"Nobody moves!" yells the man.

He had a gun pointed at us. The woman took out a gun too. She was hurt, but he didn't seem affected.

"I think you have something that we need," he says.

"Oh, really?" asks Deby ironically.

"The box," says the woman.

"Who sent you?" I ask.

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now