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Time. An element that doesn't let us enjoy as much as we want the beautiful things. It has a weird way to show us what really matters. In this world, time wasn't measured in minutes or hours, seasons or years, but in moments. My problem was that I didn't have enough time to enjoy these things.

While I was walking, I was looking at Andy and Kate. He kissed her on the forehead, and she took his hand. I was wondering what was in Kate's heart. The more I was moving forward, the more I was thinking about what Ivy had said. 

We were walking through the desert again, and on the horizon were more cliffs. I had a feeling that there was going to take place Ivy's premonition. They were far away, so I had about a week of peace, then I could have started worrying. I chose to ignore it, in order to enjoy the time I had left. I looked behind, and I saw Ema and Kate talking. Deby and Ivy were walking in front of me, in their front was Andy, and Aaron was next to me. He threw me from time to time a look with a slime, which made me think about the lies I had told him. After a few minutes, Ema called me.

"Josephine, come here for a second," she says calmly.

I had a cold shiver. I was getting closer, and I was praying she didn't find our secret, but with every step, the chances were getting lower. Ema's look was full of anger, and Kate's was sad.

"You found out," I said. 

"Did you plan to hide this for everyone? Until when?" she asked angrily.

"Until the end".

"I talked to Kate, and we think we can change something." 

"Jo," says Kate. "I believe that it's for the best if I leave with Ema."

"Where to?"

"I will take her away from you, and I will try to keep her safe" Ema says.

"I'm the one who should leave!" I shouted.

"No, because you are needed here. It takes all of you to finish this mission. Do you want to tell them the truth?" I ask Kate.

"No, I think I will just disappear," she says without looking into my eyes.

"You can't do that! If you don't tell them, I will! And it's better if they hear it from you. You can't just leave, without any explanation, or without telling Andy at least."

"I will think about it until tomorrow. Please don't say anything yet."

I don't know why, but I agreed to that. I felt a tension between us, but more, I felt she was afraid. I wasn't blaming her. Probably I would have felt the same. Maybe it was for the best if she left with Ema for a while, to keep her safe so that I could get that chance. I had a mission to finish.

We stopped to eat some of the food we carried in our backpacks. I saw that Aaron was sitting a little far from the rest of the group. He seemed thoughtful. He wasn't like that for a long time, so I went and sat next to him. I started eating quietly, without disturbing his thoughts.

"There's nothing wrong if you need to keep some secrets from me," he says suddenly. 

I was about to choke because the food was stuck in my throat, so I put the can aside. I was ready to answer him, but he started talking, without looking at me. 

"I thought about this a lot... I saw you whispering with Kate, Ema, Ivy... and I realized something: I trust you, so I will be patient as it's simple. Even if I don't get it now, I know I will understand later."

"I..." I whispered more to myself, but he interrupted me. 

"When I first met you, I had no idea I could love you so much!" he said looking at me.

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now