Chapter 13

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We all went through things that changed us, that made us different from who we were before. The best example was Aaron, who had grown up and understood that life was beautiful when you have someone by your side or when you have people that love you in spite of your flaws. If I put Aaron I met next to Aaron from now, they would have been two completely different individuals. He had learned not to hide his feelings, to say what he feels, and most of all, to show his better side.

Kate was driving fast, guided by the shining box. We were going further, but the wind was blowing faster and faster, and the sky was getting darker.

"This is weird," says Kate.

"It's like we're going in the middle of a storm," says Deby. "But it's not an ordinary storm. Look, the clouds are purple if you look in the distance." 

"Damn! I have to stop" says Kate. "I can't continue in this weather." 

"What do we do?" asks Crista. "It's not as we can walk. The wind is too strong."

"We wait for it to stop," says Andy.

"I think we will wait for a while..." adds Deby. 

While we were debating the weather problem, a red light appeared on the back of the car. We grabbed the guns and waited to see what it was. A tall red-headed woman showed up. I jumped out from the car. Deby followed me, then Aaron. We hold ourselves to the car, in order not to be blown away by the wind.

"Oh, for God's sake! Put that guns down, people!" says the woman visibly disturbed. "I'm here to help. Ema sent me."

"Who?" I ask perplexed.

"Ema, the nymph that helped you get into the land of the minotaurs?" she says ironically.

"Why did she send you?" asks Deby. 

"To warn you. We are on the same side. I want you to finish your mission, but you can't follow the way the box is showing you in this area."

"Why?" I ask.

"This storm is not a random storm. The Ouroboros's guardian is here, and he blocked your way. He wants to stop the Protector and the Traveler."

"The Ouroboros, as the cyclicity of the universe, the destiny?" asks Deby.

"Wait a second. Traveler? Again?" I ask unsure.

"Damn it, girl! You have no idea what you are or what you can do, don't you?" she asks angrily.

"So, I'm a Traveler, this I know. What's a Traveler... that I don't know..." 

She couldn't answer my question because the clouds gathered above us, and from them came down on the ground a big gray creature, with green eyes and shrouded in dust. It took a human form when it touched the ground, turning into a tall man. He approached and reached out to us, but the woman touched Deby and me, then we were in the middle of a road, and she was just smiling at us. It was sunny.

"What the hell have you done?!" I shouted.

"I saved your lives, so you shouldn't be screaming at me, you should thank me!"

"And the others?" asks Deby.

"He wanted you, you were near me, so I saw the opportunity, and I saved you. Now you can continue your mission."

"You've got to be kidding me! You left them there?! We must go back and get them too!" I say.

"Damn, I can't risk that much..." she replies. 

"You will risk it if you don't want to die right here and now!" shouts Deby angrily.

The woman looked at us perplexed, and she disappeared into a cloud of red smoke. I looked shocked at Deby.

Traveler - The Premonition (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now