Chapter 30

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I can't believe that tomorrow is our big day. Tomorrow I am finally getting my wedding.

Jordan cane down the stairs and I said, "Good morning Jordan!"

Jordan said, "Morning!"

I asked, "Do you have everything ready for tonight?"

He asked sarcastically, "What is tonight?"

I said, "Stop it! You know what tonight is."

He asked, "Where is dad at?"

I said, "He had to go to work this morning."

He asked, "Why?"

I said, "You will understand when you are an adult."

Immediately after that moment, I heard that Ellie was starting to cry.

I said, "Now if you will excuse me, I have a baby I need to go see", and I walked upstairs into her nursery.

When I walked into her nursery, I said, "Hey baby girl", and picked her up.

I got her diaper changed and walked downstairs with her. I still can't believe that Ellie is already 9 months old. I feel like I just had her yesterday.

I put Ellie in her high chair and gave her some cereal to eat for breakfast. I was surprised at how long she slept in this morning. Usually she is up by the latest, 8:00 AM, but today she slept until 9:15 AM.

Once I started to eat breakfast, Jay and Erica walked in the house.

Jay said, "We are here."

They walked into the kitchen and I said, "Hey there!"

Erica came around the island, gave me a hug, and said, "It's here."

I said, "I know! I'm so excited!"

Jay asked, "Where is dad at?"

I said, "They made him go into work today."

Erica said, "That is upsetting."

Jay walked towards Ellie, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and said, "I didn't forget about you."

Jay and Ellie had such a special bond, even if they are 18 years apart.

I continued to eat my breakfast, when Jay asked, "How has Ellie been?"

I said, "She's doing pretty good. She is starting to venture out and eat new foods. She is starting to walk, but we are still practicing."

Erica said, "She is going to be so cute tomorrow in her dress."

I said, "I can't wait to see what she will look like all dolled up."

Jay asked, "Where is the rehearsal dinner at?"

I said, "It is at your grandparents farm."

Jay said, "Ok."

I asked, "Erica, is your family coming tomorrow?"

She says, "Um, I'm not sure. I told my parents that they could come, but I'm not sure if they will or not."

Ellie started to get fussy, so I walked over to her high chair and got her out. She was happy when she was out of her chair.

Erica said, "She is so cute."

I picked Ellie up and brought her into the living room. I laid her down on her mat to play. Jay and Erica followed me into the living room.

I grabbed some of Ellie's toys from the basket and brought them over to her. I put Ellie in my lap as I was talking to Jay and Erica.

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