Chapter 18

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I was walking out of the bridal store with my mom and sisters. I still couldn't believe that I found my wedding dress. We got in my car, ready to go home.

I said, "Time to go home and make sure the guys didn't burn the house down and that they have all of the kids."

My mom said, "Hopefully the house didn't burn down and they didn't loose any kids."

We all just had small talk on the way home. We started to get close to my parent's house.

I said, "Well, the house is still standing. Hopefully they didn't lose any kids."

I parked the car and we got out. We walked inside and all of our jaws dropped.

Karin asked very loudly, "What in the heck has happened here?"

Everyone was running around like a mad man. I freaked out because I didn't see Ellie at all. 

I saw Philip approach me and I asked very furiously, "Where is Ellie at? I don't see her anywhere."

Philip went to the bouncer that was sitting behind the kitchen table. He picked her up and brought her to me. She had something on her head.

I said, "Poor baby! Philip, go clean her up."

He took her from me and said, "Yes dear."

I yelled, "Men in the living room now. Kids stay in here and sit at the table."

We wanted to get the kids all cleaned up before we talk to the husbands about what had happened.

About 15 minutes later, all of the kids were cleaned up part of the way. My husband brought our daughter back to me.

I said, "Kids stay in here."

All of us wives walked into the living room, which is where the men were. 

My mom asked, "What the heck happened while we were gone? We were only gone for 2 hours!"

The guys all looked at each other to determine who was going to talk. Jamie's husband stood up and said, "It's not that big of a deal. After the kids ate lunch, they wanted milkshakes. So, being amazing dads like we all are, we made them. There was just a little mess left behind."

Jamie said, "A little! That is going to take us hours to clean up. We already took 15 minutes to clean up the little kids part of the way. All of us wives are going to talk about this for a minute."

All of us wives walked into the kitchen.

My mom said, "They need to do something to repay us for destroying the kitchen."

I asked, "What about if they clean up the kitchen?"

Everyone agreed and we walked back into the living room. I saw Ellie with Philip and I stopped and stood by him for a moment before we moved over to the couch.

Karin said, "You boys are going to go and clean up that kitchen since you made the mess."

The men all just looked at each other for a moment.

Cindi yelled, "Right now!"

They all moved immediately. 

Philip started to walk with them when I said, "Philip, don't go with them."

He asked, "Why?"

I said, "We have to leave for an appointment."

He asked, "When?"

I said, "Well, we should probably leave in the next 5 minutes. I have to go get my parents though since they are coming with us."

He said, "Ok."

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