Chapter 19

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I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost 10:00 PM. I was starting to get worried. My dad and Philip left at 8:30 to go play tennis and they haven't come back yet.

I asked, "Mom, do you think that we should go check on them? They haven't come back yet."

My mom asked, "Who?"

I said, "Your husband and son-in-law."

She said, as she looked at her watch, "Yeah. We probably should."

I went upstairs and found Jay in his bedroom.

I said, "Jay, grandma and I have to leave for something, so you are in charge. We shouldn't be gone long."

Jay said, "Ok."

I went back downstairs when my mom asked, "Robin, are you ready?"

As I was walking down the last few stairs, I said, "Yes mom."

We walked outside into the garage to get in my mom's car. The whole time I was shaking because I was so nervous. My mom and I started to get closer and closer to the tennis court. I literally jumped out of the car once it was parked.

As my mom and I rushed into the actual tennis court, Philip and my dad nonchalantly were walking out towards the cars.

My mom asked sternly, "Why were you guys in there for so long?"

My dad said, "Um, we were playing tennis with my friends."

Philip came towards me, as we put our arms around each other. I knew that my parents were going to be getting into an argument very quickly.

My mom said very loudly, "Robin and I were worried sick. You usually come home within an hour of playing tennis, but it has been two hours. Two hours Jim!"

My dad said very calmly, "We played a few extra games. No big deal."

I looked up at Philip with wide eyes.

Philip asked, "What?"

I whispered, "My parents are going to get in an even bigger argument. I can assure you that my dad will be on the couch tonight."

Philip said, "I love you!"

I said, "I love you too!"

Philip used his index finger to tilt my chin up and his lips met mine.

My mom said, "Jim! Jim, listen to me!"

My dad mimicked her with a high pitched tone, "Jim! Jim, listen to me!"

I said, "Philip, you need to do something. I do not want my parents to argue."

Philip said, "Ok", and he walked away from me, towards my parents.

Philip said, "Let's just all go home and work this out."

After a few minutes of debating, my parents finally agreed to go home. Philip came towards me, grabbed my hand, and kissed me on top of the head. Philip and I got in our car, while my parents started to get in my mom's car. When I say started, I mean that my dad came walking over to our car.

Philip rolled down his window when he saw that my dad was approaching our car.

Philip asked, "What's going on Jim?"

My dad said sounding pretty embarrassed, "Can I get a ride? Georgia already started driving away."

Philip said, "Hop on in."

As my dad got in the backseat, I said, "Sorry about all of the toys. That is what happens when you have a baby."

When we arrived back at my parent's house, I knew that it wasn't going to be a good situation between my mom and dad. Philip helped me out of the car, by grabbing my hand as I stepped down.

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