Chapter 8

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It was 8:30 am and I was still given the opportunity to sleep. I got up and walked down stairs to the kitchen to start breakfast. Neither Jay or Jordan had school today, since it was their Thanksgiving Break.

As I started breakfast, Jordan walked into the kitchen.

I said, "Hey bud! Good morning!"

Jordan said, "Hi."

I asked, "What are you up to today?"

He said, "Nothing much."

I said, "Good."

He asked, "Why is that good?"

I said, "We have to go to the studio to film the Thanksgiving Special today."

He said, "Ugh! I don't want to film."

I said, "I'm sorry, but we have to."

I slid a plate over to him across the kitchen island.

Jordan said, "Thanks."

I said, "You need to be dressed and ready to go to the studio by 1:00 pm."

He said, "Fine."

After Jordan was done eating, I heard Ellie start to cry. That is my alarm going off. I walked upstairs and into the nursery. I saw that precious baby girl of mine.

I said, "Hey baby girl!"

I got her out of her crib and knew that she needed a diaper change.

As I was changing her diaper I said, "Oh my! You saved a good one for me."

I grabbed Ellie and we walked towards my bedroom. I went in the bathroom and put Ellie in the bouncer that is in the bathroom, so that I could get ready for the day.

After I finished getting ready, minus having my outfit on, I walked down stairs because I heard a door open. I walked down stairs and it was Jay. Jay and I approached each other.

I gave Jay a hug and said, "Hey Jay! How are you?"

Jay said, "I'm good. How about you?"

I said, "I'm doing good."

Jay asked, "How has Ellie been doing?"

I said, "She has been doing really good."

Jay asked, "Are we doing anything today?"

I said, "You need to get ready to leave. We have to leave here by 1:00 pm to head to the studio to film."

Jay asked, "What about lunch?"

I said, "Oh yeah! I will just order something. Could you pick it up?"

Jay said, "Yeah!"

I called a local restaurant to order lunch. After, I had lunch ordered I fed Ellie.

Jay walked downstairs before he left to go get the food.

Jay asked, "Mom, can we talk?"

I said, "Of course!"

We walked in the living room, sat on the couch and I asked, "What's happening?"

Jay said, "I got the ring."

I said, "Oh my goodness! This is really happening."

Jay asked, "Well, I know that you and dad are having your real wedding in a span of months. I was wondering if I could propose to her at the wedding?"

I said, "I will talk to dad about it."

Jay said, "Ok. I am going to go get the food now."

I said, "Ok. Drive safe."

Jay left to go get our food. Once Ellie was finished eating and I burped her, we went up to her nursery, so that I could get her ready for filming today. For Ellie, we were filming two shows: Introducing Ellie and the Thanksgiving Special.

I got her a new diaper and got her dressed up in her dress. I grabbed her and walked into Jordan's room.

I said, "Jordan, you need to get changed now. Jay just went to get the food. We are going to have to eat really fast and then leave to go to the studio.

Jordan said, "Ok."

I walked downstairs, grabbed Ellie's bouncer, and put her down in there.

Jay came in and said, "I got food."

I said, "Awesome! Set it on the island."

I walked towards the stairs and screamed up the stairs, "Jordan, come down and eat!"

Jordan came rushing down the stairs.

We all sat down and vastly eating our lunch.

After about 20 minutes I looked at the time and saw that we needed to leave.

I said, "Boys, we need to leave now. Jay, go start the car. Jordan get in the car. I will go get all of Ellie's stuff."

I ran upstairs and made sure that Ellie's diaper bag was packed. I grabbed her car seat and ran downstairs.

I got Ellie in her car seat and in the car. We started our drive to the studio.

When we arrived, I grabbed Ellie while she was in her car seat and we all walked up to the studio. I saw Philip standing outside waiting for us.

Philip said, "Hey guys!"

Jordan said, "Hi dad."

Jay said, "Hey!"

Philip said, "Hey Jay! Your home."

Jay said, "Yep, I'm home."

Philip asked, "How is school going?"

Jay said, "It's going good."

Philip said to me, "Hi baby!"

I asked, 'Which one are you referring to?"

Philip said, "I guess both. How are you doing?"

I said, "Good", and then we kissed.

Jordan said, "Um, excuse me, there are children present."

I said, "Like you haven't seen it before."

We all started walking into the studio together. When we got inside, we were greeted by the Executive Producer, Carla.

Carla came towards me for a hug and said, "Hi Robin."

I said, "Hi Carla!"

She asked, "How are you?"

I said, "I'm good."

She asked, "How are you feeling?"

I said, "I'm still a little sore, but overall I'm feeling pretty good."

We went to where my dressing room is and I had the kids with me. The hair and make up artist did some last minute touch ups before we had to head up for the show.

Once my touch ups were done I got Ellie out of her car seat and grabbed the diaper bag and we walked up to the main stage again.

When we got there, we all got hooked up to microphones. Philip came towards me and pulled me in for a hug.

Philip asked, "Are you ready to do this?"

I said, "I guess."

Philip grabbed my hand and we proceeded to behind the stage. Here goes nothing.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! As always don't forget to follow me, vote for this story, and comment! Have a good day!



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