Chapter 7

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Philip and I were in the car.

I asked, "Where are we going?"

Philip said, "We have to go to the hospital. Apparently some not so good things are happening."

Philip grabbed my hand as we drove to the hospital.

When we arrived to the hospital, Philip grabbed my hand as we walked into the hospital. We went to the front desk and we were given name badges and a mask to cover our nose and mouth. This was really starting to concern me.

We walked into Joe's hospital room. The atmosphere from the room led me to knowing that this was a serious issue. The doctor was in the room checking on him.

As the doctor was exiting the room, he stopped where Philip and I were standing.

The doctor said, "Hi! I'm Dr. Douglas."

Philip started shaking Dr. Douglas's hand and said, "I'm Phil."

Philip continued saying, "This is my wife Robin", as we shook hands.

Dr. Douglas said, "It is nice to meet you both. Now is this Robin's father?"

Philip said, "No, this is my father."

Dr. Douglas asked, "May I speak with the two of you outside?"

Philip said, "Sure."

We walked outside in the hallway with the doctor.

Dr. Douglas said, "Ok, as you can tell Joe's condition is getting quite serious. Now, we are still waiting on some test results and all we know is he has cancer, but we aren't certain on the type yet or what stage."

It is really hard to hear that my father-in-law, my husband's father has cancer. But, when the doctor pulls you out of the room and says that it is quite serious, it's a whole new level of seriousness.

Philip said, "Ok. Do you know when you will get the results?"

Dr. Douglas said, "I am getting ready to go check to see if the nurses station received them yet. As soon as I know, I will let everyone know."

Philip said, "Ok. Thank you."

Dr. Douglas walked away. I could tell that something wasn't right with Philip.

I asked, "Hun, do you need to talk?"

Philip said, "I can't believe this is happening."

I said, "I now. Nobody wants to hear that their parent has cancer. This is a part of life."

He said, "I know."

I saw Philip shed a tear.

I asked, "Do you need a tissue?"

Philip nodded his head yes.

I walked into the hospital room and grabbed a tissue.

Philip pulled me in for a hug and I said, "Everything will be alright. I know it hurts now."

Philip said, "I love you!"

I smiled and said, "I love you too!"

We walked back in the room and got to communicate with Joe.

As we were all communicating with Joe, Dr. Douglas entered the room.

Dr. Douglas said, "I'm sorry for the wait on these test results."

Philip grabbed my hand as Dr. Douglas continued saying, "Now, Joe you have cancer. Thankfully, it is only Stage One. This is treatable."

Everyone was happy and relieved to hear that it was only Stage One.

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