Chapter 22

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I looked over at the clock by the side of my bed and it read, 5:49 AM. I did not want to get out of bed and at last, I heard my alarm, my daughter. I got out of bed very sluggish. It took all of my energy to get out of my bed.

Once I made it in Ellie's room, I got her out of her crib and carried her downstairs. I walked into the kitchen and made her a bottle. I sat down in a chair to feed her and Philip walked downstairs.

Philip said, "There you are", and then kissed me on top of the head.

I said, "I've been down here for a while."

He asked, "Do you need anything?"

I said, "Well, I would like a cup of coffee."

He said, "Ok. I will go get it", and then he walked towards the coffee pot.

I sat there holding Ellie and I could tell that she was still sick. She started to cough some and my motherly instinct kicked in. She has to go to the doctor today.

Philip walked back in, handed me my cup of coffee, and said, "Here you go."

I said very quietly, "Thanks."

Philip asked concerned, "What's wrong?"

I said with tears in my eyes, "It's just that I am overwhelmed and stressed. I mean now that Ellie is sick when she isn't even a month old and that it is hard not being at work. I just feel that I am disappointing everyone."

Philip said as he wiped away my tears, "You aren't disappointing anyone. You have done an amazing job with Ellie."

I continued still crying, "Your mom hates me and it is just too much."

As Philip wrapped me in his arms for a hug, he said, "My mom does not hate you. She just has her opinions and you have yours."

I looked at the clock and said, "I need to get stuff ready for Jordan for school", and I walked upstairs with Ellie in my arms.

I knocked on Jordan's door and said, "Jordan, the bus will be here in 15 minutes. You need to hurry up and get downstairs to eat breakfast."

I walked back downstairs and laid Ellie in her swing. I had to hurry up and make breakfast for Jordan. All I did was put on a plate a muffin, some yogurt, and fruit.

I walked over towards the stairs and yelled up the stairs once again, "Jordan, get down here. You will have no time to eat now. The bus is going to be here in less than 10 minutes."

Jordan ran down the stairs and said, "I was coming."

I started to bag up his muffin as I said, "You are going to have to eat your muffin and your fruit on the way to school since you took so long to get ready this morning."

I grabbed another bag to put his fruit and I saw Philip come down the stairs.

Philip said, "Robin, I'm leaving. Bye! I love you!"

I said, "I love you too", and then we kissed.

Philip asked, "Where is Ellie at?"

I said, "She is in her swing."

Philip walked over towards the swing and said, "Bye Ellie", and gave her a kiss on the top of the head very lightly.

I finally had all of Jordan's breakfast put in a bag when I said, "Jordan, you need to get outside. The bus will be here any minute."

I handed Jordan his breakfast and said, "Bye! I love you! Have a good day."

As Jordan walked out he said, "Bye!"

Channeled Love: Book #2 {COMPLETED}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن