Chapter 4

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I had everyone put on their outfits that have been previously chosen. We walked out to the middle of the field and the photographer had everything set up. 

The photographer said, "Hi! You must be the McGraw family."

I said, "Yes we are."

The photographer asked, "So, what are the names?"

I said, "I'm Robin, this is my husband Philip, our oldest son Jay, our youngest son Jordan, and our daughter Ellie."

The photographer said, "Alright! So, we are doing two sessions, correct?"

I said, "Correct. The first session is family pictures and the second session is just for us two."

The photographer said, "Ok. You guys can just follow me."

Philip grabbed my hand as we followed the photographer.

Taking the family photos went faster than I imagined it would. It only took about 45 minutes.

I changed into my outfit that I would be wearing for the engagement photos. Before we started taking the engagement photos, we said goodbye to the kids. We knew that Ellie was already tired, so it would be best if they took the kids home.

The photographer wrote on a sign for me to hold that said, "I get to wear a wedding dress"

The reason that she wrote that on there is the fact that we didn't have a real wedding.

After some photos were taken, we went home for a while.

Philip and I were sitting on the couch. We were both doing work on our computers.

I said, "I can't wait to see how the photos turned out."

Philip said, "Me either."

I said, "Don't forget tomorrow that we have a meeting with the wedding planner."

He asked, "What time?"

I said, "1:00 pm."

He said, "I will try to make it."

I asked, "What do you mean you will try  to make it?"

He said, "I am just a busy person, so I have to check my schedule."

I said, "You are coming."

He said, "I knew I was going to have to."

I continued doing some work and then all of a sudden Philip got up.

I asked, "Where are you going?"

Philip said, "I'm going to go play tennis with the boys."

I said, "Ok. Have fun."

He bent down towards me and said, "Bye! I love you!"

I said, "I love you too", and then we exchanged a kiss.

I continued to do some work on my computer.

A few hours later, I started to cook dinner. I was going to bake some chicken.

Philip walked in the door and excitedly said, "Robin, you would not believe this!"

I figured that it was something with tennis.

I asked apathetically, "What is it?"

He said, "I got a call from the police department and the kids can come home."

I immediately dropped the spoon and ran into Philip's arm for a hug.

I asked with tears in my eyes, "Are you serious?"

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