Chapter 23

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I opened the door to the building where my office is and I stopped at the front desk.

Linda, who worked at the front desk, said, "Oh my goodness, Robin! You look amazing!"

I said, "Thank you so much!"

Linda asked, "So, what brings you in?"

I said, "Well, I thought that I would bring in my baby for everyone to see."

Linda said, "I will call everyone to the conference room."

I said, "Ok. I will head there now."

I walked down the hall and into the conference room. I sat in the chair at the head of the table. All of my co workers were starting to walk in and were freaking out when they saw me. 

Once everyone was in the conference room I said, "Hi guys! So, I thought that I would introduce you to the reason that I have been out."

I got Ellie out of her car seat and said, "This is the reason. This is Ellie."

All of my coworkers were saying how adorable Ellie was. A lot of the ladies were saying that she looks more like me than Philip. I think that she looks more like Philip, but everyone has their opinion. After a few minutes, some of them had to go back to working, but the ladies that worked by my office got to stay. 

As I was holding Ellie, Jenny asked, "How long did Philip get off?"

I said, "He got two weeks. He was supposed to get six weeks, but then after the second week they needed him back in the office."

Jenny asked, "When does she turn a month old?"

I said, "December 7. So, in a week she will be a month old."

Tracy asked, "How was the labor and delivery?"

I said, "I had to have a c-section. I am still trying to recover from it."

Jennifer asked, "How has Ellie been doing?"

I said, "She has been doing pretty good, but I think she is sick right now. Thankfully, we have a doctor's appointment today."

My coworkers and I just caught up for a bit and then I said, "Well, we better get going."

All of my coworkers gave me a hug before I left. I really missed being with these ladies everyday. Only two more months and I will be back. 

I walked out the front door of the office and Linda said, "Bye Robin! Have a great day!"

I said as I walked out the door, "You too."

I got Ellie buckled back in the car and I went to pick up lunch for Philip as a surprise. 

After I had the lunch I drove over to the studio. I grabbed my purse, diaper bag, phone, the food, and Ellie. I started to walk towards his office. I knew that he would be surprised to see that I brought him food. 

I knocked on his office door and said, "Special delivery", and then I opened the door.

Philip asked, "Robin, what are you doing here?"

I said, "I thought that I would be nice and bring you lunch."

Philip said, "Thank you", and then kissed me on top of the head.

I set down everything on the table in his office. 

When Philip saw that Ellie was with me, he asked, "Why do you have Ellie here if you think that she is sick?"

I said, "I can't just leave her at home."

We got all of the food out and sat on the couch in his office. I had Ellie's car seat sitting next to me. 

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