Chapter 24

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Philip and I walked into Ellie's doctor's office. Philip was carrying Ellie's car seat and I handed him the diaper bag as I went to sign Ellie in. 

I approached the front desk and the lady said, "Hi. How may I help you?"

I said, "My daughter has an appointment."

She asked, "What is the name?"

I said, "Ellie McGraw."

She said, "Ok", and we went through all of the insurance stuff and I sat down by Philip.

Philip and I just sat there as we waited to hear Ellie's name get called back. We waited and waited and waited what felt like forever.

After about fifteen minutes, Philip put his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. 

We just kept on waiting when at last a nurse came out and said, "Ellie."

I got up and grabbed the car seat as Philip grabbed the diaper bag. The nurse led us to the station where they would weigh Ellie. 

The nurse said, "We are first going to need to take Ellie's weight, so you need to get her out of the car seat."

I put the car seat down and unbuckled her and set her gently on the scale. I was hoping that Ellie has gained more weight then when we were at the doctor's office the last time.

The nurse said, "Ellie has gained three more pounds."

Once she said that, it was a sigh of relief for me. I picked up Ellie from the scale and carried her in my arms as Philip was carrying everything else. I sat down in one of the chairs as the nurse did everything she had to do to give to the doctor, such as temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, etc.

Once the nurse had everything finished, she said, "The doctor will be with you in a few minutes."

The nurse left and it was just Philip, Ellie, and I in the room. We just had to wait on the doctor to come in and check on Ellie. We sat there for about ten minutes and finally, the doctor came in.

The doctor came in and said, "Hi guys! How are you?"

I said, "Good."

The doctor and Philip shook hands as the doctor said, "Hi Dr. McGraw! How are you doing?"

Philip said, "It's going good."

The doctor asked, "So, what seems to be the problem with Ms. Ellie?"

I said, "Well, I have been noticing that she has been really congested the past few days."

The doctor checked everything and concluded that Ellie had a chest cold.

The doctor said, "So, Ellie has a chest cold. I am going to write her a prescription and you can get it from any pharmacy that you choose."

As the doctor was writing the prescription, I said, "Ok. Thank you."

The doctor asked, "How did Ellie do as you guys traveled during the holidays?"

Philip said, "It actually went pretty good."

The doctor handed Philip the prescription and said, "You guys have a good night! I will see you pretty soon for the one month check up."

Philip said, "Will do. See you later."

I buckled Ellie in her car seat and Philip asked, "Are you ready?"

I said, "Yep", and I handed the diaper bag to Philip as I grabbed the car seat.

Philip and I started to leave the doctor's office. 

The receptionist at the front desk said, "Bye guys!"

We both said, "Bye!"

We walked out to the car and I buckled Ellie into the backseat. 

Philip checked the time and asked, "Do you want to go get something to eat?"

I said, "Sure", and Philip drove to a restaurant. 


After dinner, Philip and I drove home to check on Jordan and to get Ellie to bed. It was almost Ellie's bed time, so I figured it would be a good time to head home. 

When we arrived home, I got Ellie out of the car and walked inside.

Once I entered into our house, I said loudly, "Jordan, we are home."

Jordan rushed down the stairs and asked, "What did you say?"

I said, "I just said that we were home."

Jordan said, "Oh, ok."

As Jordan walked up the stairs, I set down Ellie's car seat on the kitchen island and I unbuckled her. I walked upstairs and started to get Ellie ready for bed. I changed Ellie out of her outfit from today, changed her diaper, and put pajamas on her. 

Philip walked upstairs, handed me a bottle, and said, "I figured that you might need this."

I said, "It might just be a little helpful."

I sat down in the rocking chair as I started to feed Ellie. 

Philip asked, "Do you need anything else?"

I said, "I don't think so."

He kissed me on top of my head and said, "I'm going to go work in my office some."

I said, "Ok", and Philip walked out of the room. 

It was just Ellie and I in the room. It was just like some bonding time for us. Once she finished her bottle and was burped, I laid her down very gently in her crib. I approached the door and closed it very softly.

I walked into Jordan's room and when I walked in he literally jumped up four feet. 

I asked, "Did I scare you?"

Jordan said, "Just a little."

I laughed and then said, "You better go take a shower and get to bed. It's getting pretty late."

Jordan sighed and said, "Ok", and I walked out of his room and down the stairs. 

I got my laptop out and started to do some work on my laptop. 

I had been working on my laptop for about thirty minutes when Philip came up behind me and put his arm around me.

I said, "Hi."

Philip said, "Hey", as he continued to keep his arm around me. 

I asked, as I removed his arms from around my body, "What do you need?"

He said, "We need to talk."

I started to get really concerned. What did he want to talk about?

I said, "Yeah, sure."

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