He pulled out his gun and I immediately pulled out mine. It only had a bullet or two that I found in the cell block. But that's more than enough to put this man down. The others I can handle with my knife.

"Chill, man. Dude's leg is messed up. We're free now. Why we still in here?" The tall black man asked.

He had a point. We didn't kill them, they have a clear path to leave this prison. The only thing they have to worry about is the walkers, but that's not my problem. It's theirs.

"Your friend has a point. So listen to him before this gets ugly." I warned.

Another back man said something about seeing his mother. I furrowed my eyebrows starting to get worried. Do they not know that the world ended? Their families are probably dead.

"Group of civilians breaking into a prison you've got no business being in. Got me thinking there is no place for us to go, girly." The Latino retorted.

Daryl tensed as the man addressed me. Girly isn't the worst I've been called. Though it was still irritating to hear it. Especially from these morons. The only reason for me not killing them is Rick's disapproval at such a rash decision.

"Why don't you go find out?" Daryl asked.

His voice was harsh when speaking to them and a part of me was reminded of when he treated me the same way. It feels good to know he's not like that towards me anymore.

Yet the thing that we have going on between us is even more complicated than it used to be.

"Maybe we'll just be going now." The white man said.

Everyone seemed to want to leave except for the Latino. For now, he's the only wild card that we have to worry about. The rest of them seem fairly controlled. But it was clear that the Latino was their leader.

"Hey, we ain't leaving." He exclaimed.

"You ain't coming in here either." T-Dog replied.

I looked up as he showed up with a gun pointed at their leader. I moved my gun so I was also pointing at him. Three against one.

Well, if you don't count his gang of merry men. Then we're only slightly outgunned, but our skills make up the losss of hands.

"This is my house, my rules, I go where I damn well please." The Latino yelled.

An argument broke out and for once I decided to stay out of it. Not because I wasn't in the mood for fighting, simply because it wouldn't end well for them. I'm barely resisting the urge to start shooting.

But if I do that, I start a fight that hasn't begun yet. Then everyone will blame me for what will inevitably happen anyway. This way they can't blame me for it, like they do most of the time.

"Hey, hey! Everyone relax, there's no need for this." Rick spoke up.

I turned my head to see him walk up to us. He seemed to have everything in control which made me feel less on edge. If he's here, we can easily end them without any casualties on our side.

My grip on my gun loosened as I inhaled deeply. There's no need to fight if he's here. He'll make sure these scumbags stay away from my family and our new home.

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