Chapter 33.

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Ross' P.O.V.:

I watch as Laura goes up to the podium and is about to say her speech when out of nowhere there's bullets flying around, people getting hurt. At that moment everyone gets up and runs around while I get up and look for Laura. 

"Laura?!" I yell as I run oppositly from everyone. "LAURA?!" I yell louder. Still no sight of her. I stop running and see her parents. I quickly jog over to them as i'm about to ask  "What's wro-" I gasp loud and kneel next to Laura. Her face covered in blood, face paler than ever, heart beating slower than ever. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

 Red flashing lights, sirens, honks all come closer to us. The paramedics take Laura away and her mom follows them into the ambulance as Damiano Marano , her dad, and her sister go in the car following behind them. My family comes rushing towards me as I start running behind the ambulance. 

 "ROSS WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! "  I hear Riker yell. 

 I keep running as i'm close to the ambulance and climb on the back. They notice me but don't seem to care so they continue their job. I sigh in anger of what happened. Who the hell could've shot those bullets at graduation? I try to think of who could've done it. I mean, whoever it was, i'll have to report them to the police because they shot my princess! 


 Soon enough we arrive at the ER and I quickly climb off the back of the ambulance and wait for them to bust the door of the back open and push Laura out, into- 

"The sunset. Into the sunset." My concience jokes.

I facepalm myself. 


 I watch as the paramedics rush Laura into the ER. I snap back to reality as i'm still stuck talking to myself (bascially) and push my way through people up to the front where I can actually see Laura's beatiful face, although, it's drowned in blood and as pale as Edward Cullen skin. 

 I don't cry because I made her a promise on New Years..


 As the clock strikes twelve, we watch the ball drop in New York... like literally, we were in New York, spending New Years together! I turn to Laura and give her a sweet kiss and hug her. 

 "I love you dork." I whisper in her ear. 

 She giggles. 

"I love you too idiot." She whispers in my ear as well. 

 "Let's go eat i'm hungry." I whisper again.

She laughs.

"Already?! But we just ate like.... 30 minutes ago!" 

"Babe.. you should know that I get hungry like every 10 minutes. My stomach needs lots of food. As so, my heart need lots of your love." I tell her.

She grins widely. 

Ah, that beautiful smile of hers always makes me melt. Actually I take that back, her personality just in general. Everything about her is so perfect to me and well of course, he parents probably. Her eyes, literally are hands down, the best eyes i've ever looked at in my life. They're filled with such compassion and such, I don' t know. I can't even explain what I feel when I stare deep into them. So bright, big, googly eyes. 

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