Chapter 31. (Continuation of Chp. 30)

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Laura's P.O.V.:

After a couple of drinks, Ross is drunk. Looks like i'm driving. Can't believe he actually thought I was gonna drink beer. 2 points for Team Marano! 

"H-hey bestfriend." Ross walks up to me.

I chuckle. Okay well maybe he's not that drunk.. he really only just had 3 beers.. it's not like there was vodka in them.. pftt... 

No but really, what the actual fuck? 

He starts tipping over weirdly. 

"You okay there buddy?" I ask.

He almost falls, but I luckily am at sight to catch him. 

"I- I'm fine." He simply says.

Lol, no you're not, time to take you to a rest stop. Aka, a bedroom, a basement, I don't know... SOME PLACE! 

I put his arm around my shoulder and I hold onto his torso. 


We- well.. I.. decided to take him to Elena's resting hosue, which is basically a small room, with a convertable couch which turns into a bed. Since, going up the stairs to her bedroom and going down for the basement weren't working out so well...

Couple minutes before..


"Whyyyy? Where are you taking me? Narnia?"  He driftly chuckles.

I facepalm myself and laugh in frustration.

"Gosh, damnit! Where am I taking you then? Didn't want to go upstairs, or the basement,- Wait a minute, she has another house outside! C'mon Rossy, let's go!!" I say as I pull him outside, to the house.

"AND TO NARNIA WE GO!!" He lazily points to the house's direction and walks unsteadily. 

I laugh. 

Started from the bottom, now we finally found somewhere to stay for the night, just meanwhile Ross get's recovered from his drunkness.

I sit him on the couch and he pulls me down with him, causing me to scream. Of course, nobody heard since everyone is basically drunk and the music is somewhat blasting loudly, but not super loudly that police could come and shut us down. 

Ha. Ha. His band's song. LOUD. Get it? Ha. Har. Hardy. Har. Har... i'll stop. 

Wait, his breath.. doesn't smell like beer.. at all.. like, it's supposed to. He probably just had a mint or something. I shrug it off.

-End of Laura's P.O.V.-

Ross' P.O.V.:

'Can't believe she thinks, i'm drunk. I guess, acting payed off. I would never drink, if I know I wouldn't be able to control it. Kinda already knew she wasn't going to drink so before she could notice, I switched my drink to a rootbeer just like she had done. Ha. Thinks I didn't see her. Well, like I said, one can play a game, well so can I. Point Lynch!' I think. 

"Okay, buddy, you can let go of me now." She says as she's still ontop of me. 

I ignore her, and keep holding onto her. I pretend that my eyes are closing but they're not, and look at her face, then pan down to her body. Call me a perv, but i'm not, I swear. It's just.. her outfit fits her body perfectly. 

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