Chapter 20.

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Laura's P.O.V.:

I walk in from school and set my bag down at the counter and head straight to the kitchen. 'I could really use some gogurt right now to calm me down.' I think in my mind. I look for some gogurt and find the box. "AHA! FOUND YOU!" I say outloud turning the box upside down waiting for a gogurt stick to slide out of it. "There was one left this morning.. where the hell is it." I start freaking out and taking stuff out of the fridge. "GAHH! THERE'S NO MORE GOGURT!" I turn around and scream. "Oh my god, chillaxify sis! It's just me. And by the way.. I ate the last gogurt... oopss." She says with a divious smile. 

I calm myself down and glare at her. "Really, Vanessa, really? Could've at least told me you were here. Not just pop out of no where like Slenderman and scare the hell out of me! By the way, you owe me a gogurt. Or a box of it since I am all out on it. Oh and what are you doing here? You haven't come by in like forever now!" 

"Well, I just came by to grab my belongings. I'm leaving for Italy on Saturday. I called dad and told him that i'm going to move in with them while you live here." She explains. I sigh. "Well then.. it'll be weird not having you around but, I guess i'm kind of used to is since you left this house anyway.." I frown. She tucks her lips in. "Sorry about that.. Anyways, change of subject, how have you been?" 

"I'm half and half of good and bad I guess.. I met a guy named Harry about a week ago, we're friends now. Ross and I aren't friends anymore. He's my frenemie. I met a girl named Katie at school, she's my new friend. Basically meeting new people.  You?" She lifts an eyebrow. "I'm good, but let's talk about you and Ross. What happened? Fill me in on everything, please!" 

"Well..." I start off and then explain everything to her. "Wow, what a douche. Do I need to talk to this guy sis?" I widen my eyes. "Nooooo, i'm good!" She lifts an eyebrow as a signal for me to explain. "It's just you get really bitchy when you show your other side. Me no likey that." I say pouting a little. She laughs. "Ok then. But if he-" I cut her off. "Don't even think about it." She laughs. "Why not?" I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and sit down on a chair. "Well he might've been a douche but arguing isn't the way to settle things. And clearly, that's what you're looking for.. well.. to be clear, more like a fight."

She rolls her eyes. "Whatever. I won't help you then... so... is there anything going on between you and this 'Harry' guy." she says with a smirk. I drop my jaw halfway. "NO! Geez, can't a guy and a girl just be friends." I sigh. "Ok, ok, i'm sorry! Don't take it too personal! I was just wondering." I chuckle. "It's ok.. I was overreacting anyway."  We have a conversation for a while about our childhood until my phone vibrates. 

"Hold on, let me see who's calling me." I say getting up and getting my phone out of my bag. I look at it. "Who is it? Is it your new boyfriend Harry?" She smirks. I glare at her. "STOP IT!" I say slapping her arm. She laughs and rubs her arm. "Take a joke gosh." She disappears into the living room and I finally answer the phone. "Hey, Harry what's up?" 

"Hey Laura! I was just wondering if you would like to come over my house and hang out for a while?" I glance at Vanessa whom is watching TV. "Um, yeah! I'll be there in 10." I smile. "See ya!" He hangs up. "Hey Vanessa i'm gonna go over to-" I look down at her to see that she's out like a light. Hmm.. I guess she wasn't watching TV. Figures why she was so quiet.." I grab my purse and walk over to Harry's. I walk up to his door and knock. The door opens and I get invited in. 

I'm gonna be totally honest here, i've never been in his house before. I mean, yeah I drove him here and all but, I just never seen the full tour of it. It's pretty clean in the kitchen but a bit messy in the living room. Kind of silly since they're both like right next to each other. Why not both of them be equally clean? 

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