Chapter 17.

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 Laura's P.O.V.:

I wake up by the sound of my alarm going off and I immediately wake up. I lean my head back and hit something hard. Ouch! I totally forgot that I was sleeping on my door. Wait what? That definitely made no sense! I get up and fall back down. Ugh. I'm too lazy today. I didn't sleep right but, that was my fault for deciding to sleep on the door. I get up sluggishly and head to the bathroom. I take a shower, put on some clothes because you know, I don't want to be getting ready with a towel around me. It feels weird to me. I finish putting on my outfit of the day and put on some booties.Hehe, I like how they're called, "booties." They're just boots with a bit of heel on them. I go back into the bathroom and take the towel I had wrapped around my hair off. I plug in my blow dryer and start drying my hair. I don't know how I should wear my hair today.. hmm... I think i'll go natural. I mean, you're only wanting to look good for a guy if you like him, and if you don't like anyone then you don't really care how you look. To me, I don't care how I look. Even if I like a guy. It's always good to go natural. But you know what? Forget looking natural today, i'm gonna go for some loose curls. 

I then go downstairs and grab a gogurt from the fridge. Man, I love me, some gogurt! Yummity, yum, yum! I get in my car and drive off to school. As i'm driving I see Harry walking. I pull over and beep at him causing him to flinch and look over my direction.He smiles and waves at me and continues walking. I take out my phone and text Harry.

"Cross the street. We'll go together today. :) It won't hurt anyone." 

He stops walking and takes out his phone and looks back at me. He listens and crosses the street. I go across my seat leaning over to the passanger seat to open the door seconds before Harry does and go back to my regular position. He sits in the passenger seat and buckles up.

"Ello love! Thank you so much for the ride. I'll pay you back someday." he says with a slight smile. 

Can he stop doing that? His accent is so asdfghjkladklh, PERFECT AND CUTE! It always gets me. I start the car again and drive us off to school.  Once we arrive we get out the car and without expecting it, Harry holds my hand causing me to blush and smile. 

We walk into the school and have people looking at us. Most are girls giving me evil looks and others are drooling over Harry. I mean, he is pretty cute after all, AND british for a bonus. As we're walking through the hallways i'm over here just you know.. trying not to blush and smile, but I can't help it. I hope nobody notices my current emotions because I will be blushing even more. 

As make our way to the Cafeteria we pass Ross. I can tell he was looking at us because I saw from the corner of my eye. I wonder why he's alone.. did he quit the populars? Wait - why am I worried about him?! He's been too much of a dick lately. I ignore those thoughts and we walk into the Cafeteria. 

"You didn't eat breakfast?" I ask Harry turning over causing our hands to break apart. 

"Oh no, I did. It's just too cold outside to be sitting around." he says sitting at an empty table. 

"Well you're crazy for not wearing a jacket then." I say chuckling a bit.

"Babe, I don't need a jacket. I'm strong." he says smirking.

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