Chapter 13 - Part Two!

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-Previously on Listen- 

"Hey guys we're R5 and we're gonna be playing a couple of songs for you today!" 

"R5... where have I heard that name before?" I say thinking outloud.

"Em.. probably on the radio because they're the ones who sing that song "Pass Me By." Niall answers.

"You heard me say that?" I asked shocked. 

He chuckles. "Yup. You were thinking out loud." 

"Oh. Oops." I say chuckling. 

"Let's go up closer to the stage!" Niall says grabbing my hand and taking me to the middle row since front was full.

"This is Pass Me By." one of the band member says. He's tall and blonde with straight hair. Then they start playing the song.

He looks so familiar.. I swear i'm having deja vu right now.

"Oh.. i'll be right back Niall." I say as I push my way through the crowd. I walk inside the house and look for the bathroom. I couldn't find the bathroom so I entered a random room. How could Ross not tell me this? Why? I need to look for Chelsea right now. I look for Chelsea and then I see her making out with Logan. I just need to calm down for a bit right now. First, Ross becomes a popular and ignores me, then he keeps secrets from me, now Chelsea is making out with a popular. Oh joy! How better can this night get?! 

I walk back outside and pretend like i'm ok which i'm not. I stand in the back watching the mini concert. 

"I would like to dedicate this song to my girlfriend, Elena." Ross says as he winks at her. Or at least what I think he did. 

Oh and to top it off he has a girlfriend and doesn't tell me? I'm his bestfriend, i'm supposed to know this stuff! 

Niall comes up to me worried. "Laura where were you? I was looking for you in like every room in the house." he says.

"I'm sorry. I just came back out here after I went to the bathroom to watch the performance." 

"Oh. Wow I should've thought of that... Cheeseburgers and jelly babies!" He says with an awkward smile.

"What?" I say all confused.

"One thing you should know about me is that during in awkward situation I always say cheeseburgers and jelly babies." He explains.

"Ohhh. That's funny." I say laughing.

"Exactly why I say it. Whenever it's all awkward just say it and people will be like "wha are you talking bout lad?" 

I laugh again. "We should walk around and get to know stuff about each other." 

"Ok, i'd love that!" Niall says.



"So your Irish, eh? That's so cool! Well i'm half italian." 

"Oooh Italian! That's awesome. Have you ever been to italy?"  he asks.

"Yes I have! I got there during summer sometimes. But not anymore.. I don't know why." 

"Oh. What about your parents?" he asks.

 "What about my parents..?"

"Well, do you live with them or?" 

"Not really. They left me and my sister the house for now. I think they're gonna live in Italy for a while." 

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