Chapter 22.

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Laura's P.O.V:  

  Well once Raini and I arrived to my house, we called some of our friends up first. I look over to Raini who's sitting on the couch on her phone. "How many people are you inviting Raini?" I ask in curiosity. She covers her phone with her hand and shushes me. "Shhh! I'm on the phone." I put my index finger over my mouth and the rest of my fingers on the bottom of my chin and nod my head. I think I should change into my pj's. How am I gonna tell Raini? She's on the phone. Ah-ha! I know, hand signals. I wave at her trying to get her attention and eventually get it. I start pointing to myself, my clothes, and upstairs as a signal that i'm gonna go get changed. At first she gives me a weird look but then she figures it out. "Gotcha!" She mouths. Before I walk up the stairs I take off my heels. I mean, as much as I love them, they really hurt after a while. I hate the feeling too so at some point, I have to give it a break. 

 I jog upstairs and look for my Walking Dead bottoms. That show, is literally A-mazing! I had these bottoms for a whlie now.. and honestly, I have no darn idea where I got them. One day they just magically appeared in my room. It's super weird. Like - I just don't know. I put on my WD bottoms and look for a top to wear. Hmm, i'll just go with a dark red tank top since it matches the bottoms. I pull my hair to the side and braid it and put my slippers on. All done! I take a quick look in the mirror and flash a smile at my outfit. I do this all the time, it's weird but, it's me. Before heading out the door I quickly run back to my closet and grab my grey sheer sweater. I guess you can say i'm really cold. 

 As i'm walking downstairs I hear the doorbell ring. I increase my speed of walking until Raini stops me. "I'll get it!" I continue walking downstairs and see 5 girls walk in. I walk next to Raini and give her a 'surprised smile'  "You invited everyone I was gonna invite? What the heck. Did you like read my mind?" She chuckles. "No, I just remember you telling me at the party." I make an 'o' shape with my mouth and make my eyes down at the floor. "I don't remember, wow. Anyways eek! I'm so happy to see you girls! Come in. I also noticed you all have your pj's on already." I pause and pretend to clear my throat. "Except someone over here." I throw in a fake cough with Raini's name in it. 

Raini gives me a 'really' look and chuckles. "I know, I know, i'm the only one without my pj's. I'll be right back." She grabs her clothes and walks upstairs to the bathroom. The girls put their stuff down on the couches and sit down on the rug in a circle. I chuckle. "What are you guys doing?" They all facepalm. I stand alone in confusion. "What?" One of the girls, Sky, gets up and walks over to me. "Sit down with us and we'll explain." She puts one of her hands on my back. I furrow my eyebrows a tiny bit and chuckle awkwardly. I seriously have no idea what's going on. "Umm, okay." Suddenly I hear someone behind me speak. Surprisingly I didn't get scared. I mean, I knew it was Raini. I turn around to see her with her pj's on and a bottle. Oh no. 

"Wait, so is this what we're doing? Playing spin the bottle?! No way! You girls can go ahead, i'll just watch." I say in panick.

The story behind 'Spin the bottle' and this is not experienced with me before. It never will be. ANYWHO, i've heard that someone spins the bottle, and once it points to, two people they have to.. k-kiss. Apparently, this is what they're doing? Well.. maybe not, they haven't started yet but once they do, I think i'll just grab a gogurt and go up to my room. My thoughts get interrupted by chuckles and they're not coming from the girls.

"G-g-guys.. did you hear that?" I say frightened. I look over to the deformed circle of girls hugging each other and Raini just standing there laughing. "Relax you guys, I invited some guys over. To make this 'sleepover' more interesting. Don't worry, they're guys Lau and I know." The girls stop hugging and stay in their new spot. And wait, did she just say guys we know? I wonder who those 'guys' are. Hopefully not R- "Sup." A beach-blonde headed boy with wavy hair says. The one I didn't want to come. Why you may wonder? He's so, ugh, I can't deal with him. He's my best friend sure, but, after that kiss, I don't know, it just felt.. awkward. It was Ross. But not only him, he brung, Calum, Riker, Rocky, Ryland and lastly their best friend, Ellington Ratliff. Well.. this just got interesting. 

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