Chapter 18.

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Katie's P.O.V.:

I wake up and my hair's a mess and for a bonus, i'm too lazy to get dressed for the first day of school. UGH. I just want to go back to Seattle. I miss my friends, my family, everything. I get out of bed and go back in my bed because of the coldness in my room. I close my eyes again and take a nap. Then I realize it was already late and I was going to be late on the FIRST day of school. I'm such a fail at life. I go to the bathroom and decide that taking a shower isn't going to be the best option for this morning because of the time that's left to get ready. Plus, I took a shower the previous night. I decide to get dressed, do my hair and go downstairs and forget breakfast.

 I arrive at school feeling naucious which is obviously THE BEST FEELING EVER!! Haha, NOT! I walk in and go straight into the office to go pick up my schedule. I walk up to the front desk and wait for someone to come. 

"Hello. What do you need?" a Lady with a really weird voice asks me nicely.

 "Oh um, i'm just here to pick up my schdule, i'm one of the newbies." 

"Oh right! Um.. Katie right?" she asks.

"Yes, that would be me!" I say with a small smile. 

"Here you go miss." she says handing me the schedule. 

"Thank you! Mrs...?" 

"Mrs. Phillips." 

I give her a smile. "Thank you Mrs. Phillips!" 

I walk out of the office and look at the classes I have. As i'm walking down the hallway I bump into someone.

"Oh i'm sorry." I say looking up from my schedule to an athletic sized girl. She's about 5'2 and very gorgeous.

"It's ok girl. Hey what you got there?" She says standing next to me and also looking at the paper.

"It's my schedule. I'm new here." 

"Oh well you should've said so! Hey, i'm Laura and I know, i'm short." She says brushing it off with a chuckle.

I chuckle along with her. "Don't worry, I am too!" "I'm Katie! Nice to meet you Laura! By any chance do we have any classes together?" I ask her hoping she says yes. She's just so nice!

"Hmm let me see your schedule again, please!" She says holding her hand out ahead of time.

She takes a look at my schedule again then she speaks up.

"Well we have 3 classes together. That's good, right?" She says grinning.

I smile. "Yeah that's great! I'm glad we have at least 3 classes together. I mean, you're super nice! Who wouldn't want to have at least one class with you?!"

"Aww shucks! You're too kind. Shall we get to first period together?" She says hooking out her elbow.

I grin and hook my elbow on hers. We then skip to class like two normal girls would obviously do.

3rd period. 

First period wasn't bad at all, second period was cool, and this period... man. These kids are crazy. I sit down at an empty desk in the back and sit there in awkwardness being the only one not talking. I look to my left and there's a bleach-blonde haired guy sitting there watching everybody. I guess i'm not the only one who feels awkward. His head turns my direction and a word comes out of his mouth. Ugh, I feel like a creeper.

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