Chapter 11.

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Chelsea's P.O.V.:

It was lunchtime. I was sitting bymyself waiting for Laura to sit with me. Hmm, she probably hasn't come out of class yet. I sit for a couple of minutes and then Ross runs to me and sits next to me. "Chelsea, I have a question!" He says with tiny breaths. "Um.. ok? What is it?" He finally calms down with his breathing. "Do you know anyone named Niall?" He asks. I think. Niall... hmm, where have I heard that name? OH YEAH! I remember now. "I've heard of him around school. It's Laura's crush." I answer. He looks down kinda sadly. "Are you ok?" I ask. "Yeah. I just feel like the only one who hasn't heard of him until now." 

"Oh.. Yup um this is awkward." I say. He gives me a "really?" look. "Hey can I trust you to keep a secret?" He asks. Uhhhh, I don't know! I get overly excited if someone tells me a secret. I lie anyways and say, "Yes. You can trust me!" as I also smile. He whispers the secret in my ear. Oh my god.. that's so hot. "So you were just undercover this whole time?" I ask a bit confused.

"Yes. I'm actually in a band called R5. You might've heard of us? The only reason I stayed undercover is because I wanted to see how living a normal life was now than back then.  I actually wore glasses back then but then my vision got blurry when I read stuff so I started wearing glasses again and the band took a break for a while since we worked so hard and then I made a desicion to get out of homeschool and come to public school and that's how it all started.." He explains.

"Wow. That's... wow." I say mind blown. "So that firgures why you looked so much like that guy that was always on TV when they showed the 'LOUD Ep" commercial." I speak again. "Yup. Nobody really watches tv anymore so that's a reason why I don't get recognizion as much. Once everyone finds out though they're probably gonna use me for popularity or somewhat." He says sighing.

"That would suck man." I say. Then Laura comes and sits across from me on the edge where I also am just on the other side of the table. Ross looks at her then back at me. "Just remember what I told you, ok?" then he gets up and walks to his group. "What was that about?" Laura asks. "Oh nothing." I lie. She gets a frustraded look on her face. I feel terrible but I have to keep this promise this time! No more going around and telling people.

-End of Chelsea's P.O.V.- 

Ross' P.O.V. (Thoughts basically but also some dialogue): 

My mind keeps replaying the moment when Chelsea said "I've heard about him around school. It's Laura's crush." The thought of that just made me feel depressed. Not just because of that but also because she said she heard about him around school. Was I the only one who didn't hear anything? I just have to get over Laura and just stick with being her best friend. 

"Yo dude, you should come to the party this weekend at Logan's house. I heard there's gonna be hot chicks there and lots of dancing." Ashton says to me. I've always been girl crazy so I liked the sound of this party. "Sure, i'll be there. What time?" I ask. "About at 8." Logan says. "Yeah man, it's gonna be the shit. We're gonna be partying all night bro." David says.

This party's gonna be interesting. I take a sip from my water bottle and get up as I know the bell is gonna ring. "Dude why are you leaving?" David says as he gets interrupted by the bell. "Oh. That's why." he says. "Just keep this in mind guys, i'm the bell master. I know when it's gonna ring without looking at the time." Lies! I always look at the clock so that's how I know it's gonna ring. 


I head on to 5th period. 

-End of Ross' P.O.V.- 

Laura's P.O.V.:

One thing that really bothers me is how Ross has been telling Chelsea stuff but not me. Does he not trust me to keep secrets anymore or what? I feel like we're slowly falling apart. I walk into the girls locker room and open my locker. A note falls out. I grab it and put it back in my locker and get dressed. I feel so tempted to read the note but end up leaving it in my locker so I can read it later.

As i'm walking out to P.E. I feel stuff hitting my back. I turn around and it's the popular girls. Ugh. I hate them. They hang out with Ross' group of guy populars. I stop walking and turn around. "Can you guys like not? You're not cool and i'm not a trashcan to be getting stuff thrown at. If anyone should get stuff thrown at it should be you pathetic losers!" I yell out.

"Oooooooooooh" A crowd of people say. "Whatever. You're just jealous you're not a popular like us and pretty." one of the popular girls, Victoria says. "Ha ha ha, you wish you were pretty.You're right about the pretty part though... you're pretty FAKE to be honest." I argue back. That's when everyone surrounds us and she starts getting mad. Her face starts getting red as a tomato. "OH YEAH WELL... WELL YOU'R- UGH." She then storms off to the bathroom. The popular girls follow behind her. 

"I thought so." I say pushing my way through the crowd.  I can hear people saying "OOH BURN!" and other stuff like that. I feel pretty damn great today.

-End of Laura's P.O.V.- 

I thought of that pun myself. :3 I feel pretty great today like Laura in the story. Haha. Update in a couple of minutes. Thank you so much to RauraxAusllyShippers for the "undercover" idea :) I added a bit to it. If you guys have any idea please feel free to leave them down below in the comments section! :D I'd love to see your ideas..

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