Chapter 3.

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Laura's P.O.V.: It's been about a month since Ross & I became bestfriends. We've come to the point where we know a lot about each other and we're getting closer. Today's the day he has to change his look. I'm kinda excited! I think i'll call him right now. 

"Sup bestfriend?"

"Heyy bestfriend, was just wondering if you were ready to get your look."

"Yup! I actually couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about it.."

"Haha why?"

"Well.. I don't really know.." 

"You wanna know if i'll like it?"

"Pfft.... nooo."

"Ha! Knew it." 

"You know me so well bestfriend." 

"Alright well want me to pick you up?" 

"Yes please." 

"Be there in like 5 minutes."

We both laugh at the fact that we live a couple blocks away from each other. 

When I arrive at his house I see him outside. He's so silly. 

Once he gets in the car I wait for him to put his seat belt on.



"Put your seatbelt on."

"Oh right." 

We drive off to the mall and go in the salon and I sit down and wait. I guess i'll just read one of these magazines they have..

It's been about 1 hour and i've been sitting here and reading these magazines. Oh my goodness Justin Bieber is such a badass nowadays. I sit here for a couple more minutes reading these articles about Justin Bieber. Then I stop reading it and walk out for a bit to take some fresh air. I ended up going next door and looking at the cute clothes at Forever 21. Then I feel someone wrap their arms around me. I jump a bit and almost scream. I turn around and see Ross wearing his new look. 

"ROSS! You scared me!" I say slapping his arm playfully. 

He chuckles. "Sorry.. so what do you think?" 

"You look pretty darn adorable bestfriend! Love the new haircut." 

"Thanks." He says smilling.

"I'll handle the wardrobe and glasses." 

"This is gonna be interesting.." 

I grab Ross' arm and take him to guy stores that have clothes that would totally look good on him. I take him to Hollister. I buy him some clothes with the money the dance instructor gave him. Then I take him to American Eagle and then Top Men. We go to every store as possible. We probably spent about $500 worth of clothes AND shoes. We have $1300 left. 

"We should save this for you Laura" 

"Aww shucks! That's really sweet Ross but no, it's for you. I already have clothes."

"No really, have the rest for yourself." 

"How about we share what's left?"

"Deal. Let's go put these bags in the car now and come to my place?" 


Once we arrive we take the bags out of my car and take them inside..

-End of Laura's P.O.V.-

Ross' P.O.V.: We take the bags of clothes up to my room and chill for a while.

"For a guy you're room is not that messy."

"Oh it will be once I get these clothes and shoes out of the bags." 

She laughs. I smile. 

"Alright now we have to do something about those glasses of yours. Hmm... here let's try this."

She takes a step closer to me and takes my glasses off. 

"Can you see anything?" 

I blink a couple of times and look around.


"Yeah I can see."

"Perfect! So you don't need contacts. Alright i'm gonna step back and tell me if you can still see me."

She steps back and runs into the wall.


"Carefull bestfriend!"

We both chuckle.

"I see you." 

"I see you too." 

I laugh.

"Alright good. You have perfect eye vision."

"Want me to try on some clothes?" 

"Yes! I wanna see how you look with some of them." She says with a grin.

I try on a couple clothes on. 

"Woowwww. You look adorable!" 

I blush a bit. I think she noticed because she said "Nice dimples." and giggled. 

"You didn't see that.." 

"Right.... dimples." she says with a smirk.

"Oh my god.." I say facepalming and laughing.

"Alright well I gotta go Ross, I-"


"Pretty much."

"Well it is pretty late." 

"Alright well i'll see you later bestfriend." 

I walk up to her and hug her. Our 5th hug. Yes I sound pretty stupid but i've counted our hugs.

She hugs me back. "Bye. Text me!" 


She's so awesome. That's why she's my bestfriend. She's the first girl to be my bestfriend. I'm lucky to have her as my bestfriend. 

After she leaves I walk her to her car and wave as she drives away. Then I go back upstairs and put the clothes aside and fall asleep to "Classic" by MKTO. 

-End of Ross' P.O.V.- 

So i'm gonna be updating ALOT on this story because I actually have TONS of ideas for it  instead of working on "Want U Back" but I also have a huge surprise (in a bad way) in that story so i'll try to update that asap but for now i'll update this story. :) 

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