Chapter 19.

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Laura's P.O.V.:

I'm walking down the hallway and I'm just walking by, saying hi to everyone of my friends until suddenly, I bump into someone. Everythings a blur for just a couple of seconds and then I realize it's a girl i've never seen around here before. She has pretty long brown hair and dark blue eyes and she's about my same height. 

"Oh i'm sorry." She says looking up from her paper. 

"It's ok girl. Hey what you got there?" 

"It's my schedule. I'm new here." She replies shyly. 

AHA! So it is someone new. Figures.

"Oh well you should've said so! Hey, i'm Laura and I know, i'm short." I say with a chuckle.

She chuckles along too. "Don't worry, I am too!" "I'm Katie! Nice to meet you Laura! By any chance do we have any classes together?" She asks me.

"Hmm let me see your schedule again, please!" I say holding my hand out in meaning of asking for her schedule.

"Well we have 3 classes together. That's good, right?" I  say with a grin.

She smiles. "Yeah that's great! I'm glad we have at least 3 classes together. I mean, you're super nice! Who wouldn't want to have at least one class with you?!"

"Aww shucks! You're too kind. Shall we get to first period together?" I say making a hook with my elbow. She hooks her elbow with mine and we skip to class.Typical girl stuff. 

Third period.


I go straight into the office right after second period since I got offered to be a helper in various classes and what did I do? Obviously accept the offer. Helping is caring... no wait that was 'Sharing is caring.' Helping is.. helping. Period. I love helping others! It's like my duty to do that. Mrs. Phillips gives me a note and sends me straight to Mr. Hansons class. Oh great.. here comes torture. You're probably wondering what I mean by 'torture.' Well, let's say I kind of have a frenemie in there. Frenemie - Friends. But now enemies is my definition for frenemies if you don't understand what I mean but yes, Ross is my frenemie. I hate him but then half of me says I should listen to what he has to say and forgive him. I don't know what I should do.. i'm just listening to one half at a time. 

I walk into Mr. Hansons classroom ignoring Ross and everyone around me and just doing what i'm told. 

"Um Mr. Greyson? I got sent here to pick up some books for Mr. Hansons history class." I say while walking up to the front giving him the note. 

"Oh right! I forgot about that. Can you tell him i'm sorry and also, you're gonna need help carrying those books. They're pretty heavy! Does anyone wanna help Laura carry some books back to Mr. Hansons class? Volunteers please!" 

I turn to face the class and see a lot of people's hands pop up but the one that pops up first is Katie's.  "I VOLUNTEER!" She yells out. All of a sudden everyone including me, starts laughing. 

"Hashtag Hunger Games status!" I say while laughing along. Everyone laughs even more. 

"Katie, and... hm.. who hasn't done anything in this class lately, Ross!" his head pops up and his eyes widen. I glare at him just a little bit without him noticing. 

They both get up and walk over to a desk and grab a couple of books and start heading to Mr. Hanson's history class. We walk out of the classroom and walk down the hallway in awkward silence. Ross is walking to the far left side. Katie's in the middle and i'm right next to Katie. 

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