Chapter 26.

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Ross' P.O.V.:

As I enter the house, my brothers are all sitting on the couch playing video games. Typical kind of day. "You guys ditched me back at Laura's house.." I say as I gently throw my backpack on the floor and slam onto the couch. "Well you had your girlfriend there so you weren't alone dude." Rocky teases. I look at him and shake my head. "Right.. oh wait guys want to go back to a moment? It happened just a while ago." I ask the guys. "You mean that moment when you and Laura were having sex at 1 AM in the morning? I remember that too." Riker says teasingly. I feel myself turn red. "No you idiot, I wasn't talking about that... and she was helping me get glass out my  foot. Geez Riker." I reply back. "Oh.. then what's up?" Riker says. "Nevermind.. I was gonna say 'Do you guys remember the time Laura and I went out? Yeah me neither." I chuckle. Everyone remains silent. I sigh in awkwardness. It remains silent once again. The guys all looking at me. "I think i'm gonna go to my room.." I awkwardly get up and leave the room. Man, was that awkward. Suddenly, I start hearing a conversation.

"Dude, but I swear I think Ross and Laura had sex last night. Like-" Riker says but I cut him off. "RIKER HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THAT LAURA AND I DIDN'T HAVE SEX. WE NEVER WILL EITHER BECAUSE FOR ONE, SHE DOESN'T LIKE ME AND TWO, I DON'T WANT TO RUIN HER INNOCENCE!" I yell from my bedroom.  All of a sudden I hear all the guys burst out in laughter. "ROSS COME HERE. WE'RE JUST MESSING AROUND WITH YA!" Rocky says loudly. "YEAH! WE ALL KNOW YOU LIKE HER ANYWAY! SO THERE'S NOTHING TO HIDE DUDE. YOU CAN THANK RIKER!" Ellington yells out. I widen my eyes and run out to the living room. "RIKER YOU TOLD THEM!?" I look over to Riker who is trying not to laugh. "What? Me? No...." He says sarcastically. I glare my eyes at Riker. 

I look at Rocky who's holding his iPhone up. "Rocky, what the hell are you doing? Are you recording this? You better not be recording this!" I say rapidly. He starts bursting out in laughter while laughing on Ryland's shoulder while Ryland is on his iPhone doing.. what so ever things. I turn my head to Riker and see him with his eyes shut yet squinted, and his cheeks puffed up. Yup.. he's still trying not to laugh. 

"WHAT'S SO FUNNY ABOUT THIS!!? UGH. I'M JUST GONNA SIT HERE UNTIL ALL OF YOU CALM THE HELL DOWN." I walk over to kitchen, grab a stool, and pull it to the living room. "I'll be sitting here watching you guys." I say as I sit down on the tall stool. Riker starts bursting out in laughter along with tears. "OH MY GOD ROSS CALM DOWN YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY.. AND NO LITERALLY, I MEAN LEGIT TEARS OF LAUGHTER!" Riker says in between laughter. I sigh and pout a bit with my fist underneath my chin and my arm tucked underneath my right elbow. "I guess I am overreacting over nothing... or am I? You guys are the ones overreacting over me and Laura and with what had happened the other night.. you know, if it was you guys in this situation, you would understand what i'm feeling right now with what you're doing." 

Riker stops laughing and calms down a bit. "Oh. I-i'm sorry dude. I was just playing around with you this whole time. I mean, other than telling them that you like Laura but.. yeah.." I get off the stool and put it back in the kitchen and stand in the living room while the guys are still sitting down. "It's cool.. well i'm gonna go take a nap. I'm so damn tired! Didn't get much sleep."

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