Chapter 1

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Thursday, 4 May 2017 – Skylar

The past two weeks since my sister's funeral I seized every opportunity I could for work. With only part-time positions offered I was fortunate that I was able to pay for a bed at the shelter and gather enough money for the final hospital bill.

The antiseptic hallways of the hospital bring back nauseating memories, but I swallow them down and brace myself for the accounts department. The lady behind the counter frowns as she looks at the screen in front of her, I almost cry, because it is clear that she is annoyed with the state of my account.

"Miss Skylar, this account was due last week. With the interest due to the late payment, the amount due is $2225.20" her hurtful tone of disgust angers me instantly.

"Doctor Scott helped me to make arrangements, today is my final due date. I don't understand?" I ask calmly, as anger starts to rise inside.

"Miss Reid, our policy does not allow for arrangements, now pay your account" she unprofessionally almost screams at me. I glance at her name tag and glue it to my mind as I scramble through my purse for the extra $200.

"Here, in three months this hospital has taken over a million dollars from me. Each staff member treated me and my sister with decency and respect, but you Sarah, do not even have one cell of empathy within you!" I scream out as my anger becomes uncontrollable.

She stares at me shocked with an open mouth and then smirks whispering "The audacity" softly to herself, but I heard it loud and clear, it infuriates me. I slam my fist onto her counter and turn around and make my way to the hospital coffee shop where Isabelle and I agreed to meet each other.

I am calmer as I walk into the coffee shop and my small smile forms instantly as my eyes meet Isabelle, who has become a great friend to me and Lee. I fall into the chair relieved to be away from the rude Sarah who ruined my whole day. She takes my hand immediately with sympathy filled in her eyes.

"How are you holding up dear?" she asks me softly warming my heart.

"I have been better thank you. I paid the final bill today, thank you so much for everything you have done for us." I decided not to tell her about Sarah. Isabelle would ensure that she will get fired and I know what it is like to struggle and do not wish it upon anyone else.

"Have you found a permanent position yet?"

"Not yet, I managed to get a few jobs here and there. I've been to eight interviews already, but have not heard anything back. I have an interview today, it is my last hope." I struggle to fight back the tears and wipe them away quickly to hide them away. I fail miserably and see tears forming in Isabelle's eyes. She really is a true friend, we cry and laugh together, and I realize that even though I have lost so much in this whole process at least I gained a friend.

After almost an hour of chatting, I felt emotionally drained and I remember about my interview in two hours. We say goodbye and stand, but Isabelle does not stand up with me.

"Aren't you leaving?" I ask in the hope that my plan to change in the coffee shop restroom will still be possible.

"No, I am waiting for my brother for our weekly coffee date. It was great to see you again Skylar." She smiles warmly as my heart falls.

"Oh" I give her a small wave and rush out of the coffee shop as fast as possible in search of a restroom where I can get ready without anyone giving me grief. I did not want to burden anyone with troubles and chose to keep my situation a secret.

The grocery where I buy my daily bread roll is just a block away and I quickly make my way there hoping the owner will show me some grace and help me out. I enter the store and am thankful that it is quiet. I grab a bread roll and go to the counter to pay and ask to use the facilities. The owner mercifully agrees and I make my way to the back.

After I am ready I thank the owner again and promise to support him when my first ship docks. With no money to spare for a bus, I decide to walk the five blocks to my interview. The building is a piece of art, the designer and architect skills are showcased with magnificent detail. Before I enter the building I blow a kiss into the sky.

An enthralling waterfall feature takes over the space in the lobby as the water runs over the marble steps I close my eyes and lose myself in a dream filled with trees hugged by moss and ferns standing taller than myself.

I am shaken from my short imaginative thoughts when I hear someone clearing their throat. I blush embarrassed about being caught. The 5ft tall, or should I say short, the lady looks even smaller with the waterfall behind her.

"I am so sorry." I say holding out my hand "I am Skylar Reid, I have an interview with Mr. Blake" I give her my brightest smile, creating a memorable first impression.

"Don't stress about it" she waves me off after shaking my hand "Oh, I am Jennifer." I like her immediately and see a possible friendship.

Don't get ahead of yourself – I scold myself.

"You can go right up, press 35 in the elevator." She points toward the elevator and gives me a fabulous smile. I straighten my dress as the elevator takes me to the top floor, my palms feel wet as the nerves take over.

I walk out of the elevator and looked perplexed at the sandblasted glass door when I expected a reception desk. Before my knuckles could connect with the door a deep voice calls me to enter. It is impossible to dismiss the shivers that run down my spine.

In my dazed state, I have no other choice but to enter. A magnificent creature sits behind a heavy oak desk and it takes much control not to gasp. I can only see his dark hair and prominent jawline as his face is fixed on the papers on his desk, but it is enough to make my bones weak. He glances up quickly spoiling me with the bluest eyes I have ever seen, goodness help me.

I wait for him to invite me to sit, but that does not happen. He looks down at his papers again and I can see his jaw clenching, heating up the air. Jeez. My heart is in so much trouble, and then he stands overpowering me. So, so much trouble, I bite my lip to hold back the delighted moan at his mere sight.

"The position has already been filled, leave." He bites out with hard cold eyes. I am instantly mad without a word I trudge out of his office without closing the useless ugly door and make my way down in the elevator. Something about his mannerism feels off and I will get to the bottom of this.

I make my way to Jennifer as I reach the ground floor and ask her how many applicants Mr. Blake interviewed before me when she tells me I was the only person he was interested in interviewing I lose all self-control and rush back to his office.

The glass door is still open his hands are furiously pulling his hair, but I couldn't care less what he was upset about. Jerk. He stands and takes a step back when he hears me enter his space. His expression is filled with surprise and a smirk. The second smirk I get for today, two too many and you are going to get it, mister.

"You don't even spare me a second glance and dismiss me. You are a shitty liar asshole, you only had an interview with me!" I shout as I walk closer and closer to his desk. "You can hide behind your fuck ugly desk all you want, but that won't change who you are!" I continue to shout when I feel the tears coming I turn around and walk out. I cry all the way to the ground floor and walk out of the building with nowhere to go, again. 

Baby for Mr. BlakeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя