(41) Gajeel x Reader ~ Restoration

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Word Count: 1075

Sitting by the window with a solemn expression painted across his face, Gajeel rests his chin on the back of his palm, envisioning all the possibilities of what his wife is enduring. Graphic images of dangerous situations flash before his eyes; a chill runs down his shuddering spine.

"Where are you, (Y/n)," he mutters to her, as if she can hear him now. "Come back home."

Outside, the snow is pouring down onto the stone-covered paths and sheets of ice creep up to coat the windows. On the inside, the temperature matches the weather taking place. Being so caught up in his thoughts, Gajeel has neglected to move from his seat by the frosted glass, leaving the residence to become a large freezer.

From the narrow hallway leading up to the dragon slayer's room, Panther Lily watches his brooding friend, wishing he can be of some help, but he knows how stubborn Gajeel is when he is feeling down. There is nothing he can say to cheer him up. Not a single job can peel Gajeel away from his current position.

"You should get some rest, Gajeel," the exceed suggests quietly, resting a comforting paw on his friend's shoulder. "It will do you no good if (Y/n) comes home to you passed out and ill. If you keep this up, she will not be happy."

"I will be fine."

Gajeel's stubborn dismissal does not deter Panther Lily. Instead of pushing Gajeel to heed his warning, he decides to take matters into his own paws.

"Very well then. I need to leave for a few days or so, Gajeel. I have some important business I must attend to. Will you be okay on your own?"

"Go ahead. I can take care of myself just fine. I am not a child, Lily," Gajeel replies apathetically, his gaze fixated on the bustling scenery outside.

Rolling his eyes, Panther Lily grabs his winter attire suited for his battle form without another spoken word and exits the house, a plan circulating through his thoughts. He will do everything and anything he can to bring his friend back to his usual self.


Despite the harsh, icy winds nipping at his face and the paralyzing temperature that is most likely nearing below freezing, Panther Lily trudges through the blizzarding mountain in his battle form. Frost forms on the tips of his whiskers and fur, but the exceed pays no mind to the cold; his attention is directed at locating his friend's beloved, who, according to the villager who sent out the job papers, is residing in a cave near the mountain summit. With each step he takes, Panther Lily uses the image of Gajeel's brightened eyes and grinning face when he brings (Y/n) back as his motivation to push forward.

A small, dim, yellow glow shines from the corner of Panther Lily's eyes as he nears the mountain top, raising his hopes. The exceed can only pray to Mavis that the source of light will lead him to the woman he has been searching for once the entrance of a cave breaks through the snow-covered air. Panther Lily holds his breath while stepping into the cavern, only to suddenly release it when a large object comes in contact with his back.


Spinning around with adrenaline coursing through his veins, the exceed prepares to face the dangers of whatever enemy struck him, only to find a familiar face glaring back at him.


"Eh? Lily," (Y/n) inquires in shock, lowering the branch she has been using both as a club and walking aid. "What are you doing here?"

"I have come to retrieve you," Panther Lily explains, lowering the cowl that once covered his face. He shrinks down to his smaller form and folds away the clothing he previously donned on. "Gajeel worries too much about you. He has resorted to sitting by the window to await your return and will neither eat nor sleep. Please, return so that Gajeel can return to his normal self."

"I am afraid I cannot, Lily. The creature I must deal with has yet to perish. It managed to injure my leg before disappearing into the tall forest below. I can still fight, but not in these weather conditions."

"Then I shall battle the beast alongside you in the morning. Gajeel will be ecstatic when you step foot in the house once again."

(Y/n) nods in silent accord, scooping up the small exceed by her feet to nestle him between her coat and body. The lessened shivers of Panther Lily's body brings relief to her as she settles in the makeshift bed on the far end of the cave. Warm air wafts around the cavern, warming up the two inhabitants as they drift off to sleep.

"We'll be home soon, Gajeel."


Three sharp, consecutive knocks pull Gajeel out of his vigilant trance. The dragon slayer debates on whether on not to answer the door and eventually comes to the conclusion that whoever is at the door can wait; (Y/n)'s arrival is more important.

Once the knocking subsides, his full attention is averted back to the window, a solemn frown returning to his face. Trained eyes scan the ice-covered streets for the nth time, unable to find what they desire.

The shrill creak of the bedroom door puts Gajeel on high alert. He whips around with part of his right arm transformed into a metallic sword, ready to battle the intruder, only find find (Y/n) standing before him, just like Panther Lily had.

Seeing his wife evokes no initial physical or verbal response from the dragon slayer. His once angered expression morphs into one of incredulousness as (Y/n) slowly limps forward to wrap her arms around her husband.

"H-How... Wh-what... I-I was watching the window this entire time... How did you get in here?"

As if the answer to all his questions is the simplest concept on the planet, (Y/n) gestures to Panther Lily leaning against the doorframe, explaining how the black-furred exceed braved the arctic temperatures of the mountains to inform her of the events occuring back home.

"I cannot thank you enough, Lily," Gajeel finally utters out, his arms returning the hug initiated several minutes ago. He receives a nod from the exceed, who joins in on the affectionate embrace. "Welcome back, (Y/n)."

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