(39) Midnight x Pregnant!Reader ~ Caught

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A/N: Midnight is probably extremely OOC in this story. I've never written a story for him... I find his character to be a complicated one to write for. Any tips on how I should write for him will be greatly appreciated.
Word Count: 1040

Midnight stares blankly at the young woman before him, a flurry of thoughts running around in his mind as she shifts awkwardly from side-to-side. Trying to wrap his head around the statement he had just heard, Midnight blinks several times and asks for the young woman to even pinch him.

"Are you sure," he inquires slowly.

"Yes," she replies back shakily. "I just found out the other day. The healer from that small town we visited last week checked several times to confirm it."

The two stand in the room, a practically palpable tension creeping up their necks. Neither Midnight nor (Y/n) could have predicted this. All the healers they visited in the past several years said it is not possible; they were told it simply cannot be achieved, yet here they are now, the impossible suddenly becoming a reality.

"So... What do we do now, (Y/n)?" Midnight glances up at (Y/n) for a brief second before casting his gaze at the rocky floor of the cave the Oracion Seis has called 'home' for several months now.

"I don't know. What do you think we should do?"

"Your suggestion is as good as mine at this point. All I know is that we need to find a way to gently break this to your brother."

"Easier said than done," she remarks with a shudder. Erik, her twin brother, is, in her opinion, a prime example of a ticking time-bomb just waiting to go off. When he learns of something he is less than pleased about, all those around him suffer from his wrath. "We can't just go up to him and be like: 'Hey, Erik, guess what! You'll be an uncle in around nine months. Start baby-proofing the cave!'"

"What?! No one in their right mind would say it that way!"

"Then you better think of something fast, 'cuz I got nothing. If we don't say anything, Erik will have several murders on his to-do-list!"

"Who will have several murders on his to-do-list," Erik inquires curiously as he strolls into his sister and Midnight's shared cave-room, having just returned from a quick run to the town below for groceries.

"I-I... Uhh..." At a loss for words, (Y/n) quickly clears her mind of all her previous thoughts and hides behind Midnight, shoving the man towards her brother. "Midnight can explain this for you! I will be in the other room with Cubellios."

Muddled by the abrupt change in her behavior, Erik and Midnight remain at a standstill as (Y/n) darts out of their sight to find her brother's slithering companion. Erik looks over at the red-eyed man with suspicion, taking notice of his uncustomary mannerisms. He finds himself greatly bewildered from his observations of Midnight shifting around from one foot to another, something his twin constantly does when she is guilty of an unacceptable action.

Trying to use his sound magic to decipher the situation, only to hear that Midnight is fearful of Erik's reaction to a confession he has to make. With raised brows and a wary look, Erik approaches the man.

"What's going on here?"

"It's nothing. (Y/n) and I were just talking about some stuff," Midnight dismisses quickly. He waves his hand in front of Erik's face for emphasis, but the dragon slayer slaps it aside.

"What did you say to her," Erik growls accusingly. "Did you hurt her? Are you trying to break up with her?"

"No! No, No, I would never!"

"Then what is it?"

"Well... You see, Erik, (Y/n) and I planned on telling you this together, but that was before she ran away to play with your pet. It's something she's been thinking about for a long time."

"That can apply to a lot of things on her mind."

Midnight risks a quick glance at Erik in hopes of being able to judge the dragon slayer's mood, but is met with a stoic expression. There is no way out of the conversation and, with (Y/n) on the other side of the cave, Midnight musters up all the courage he can find within, licks his dry, ebony lips, and simply blurts out the newfound information.

"She's pregnant."

A mixture of anger and shock flashes across Erik's face as Midnight watches the dragon slayer process the information that has been thrown at him. Like Midnight himself, Erik questions the reliability of what he has just been told.

"Yes, I am sure. I even asked her the same thing myself," the red-eyed man assures.

"Hmf," grunts the dragon slayer, "At least you didn't try to lie. I expected you to hide such a thing from me at the least."

"So you're not mad?"

"That's where you're wrong, Midnight. I am very angry."

With his body tensed and ready to lunge for the man in front of him, Erik is about to seize the red-eyed man by the throat when a familiar face peeks into the room.

"Are you guys dead yet? Oh wow, you two didn't killed each other..."

Irked, Erik raises a brow while approaching his sister, keeping a firm grasp around her wrist before she can escape. Dark eyes swirling glare down at (Y/n).

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"W-Well," (Y/n) stutters out, "you have the tendency to be violent when something you don't like happens..."

From the side, Midnight remains silent as the two siblings argue, still fearful of his life. He is not assured that the dragon slayer will remain civilized once (Y/n) leaves, so he side steps every few seconds, gradually slinking closer to the exit.

"Oh no you don't, Midnight," Erik growls. "I'm not finished with you."

"Okay then, boys. Have fun!"

"Oi! Same goes for you too, (Y/n). You're not getting out of this so easily."

Both mages gulp in fright. This night will certainly be a long one.

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