(28) Erza x Child!Fernandez!Reader ~ Cake

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Requested by @Duskspirit
Word count: 1293
(e/c): eye color

"This job is vital to the future of the city. I cannot stress enough how important this task is."

"Of course, Master. Please, allow me to find someone capable of looking after (Y/n) for the duration of my leave before I depart."

"There is no need to ask. Just be sure you arrive before tomorrow morning at sunrise."

"Thank you."

"I am not the one to thank. You taking on this assignment will save the lives of many. Taking the time and to ensure the safety of a precious child like (Y/n) only solidifies my thoughts and expectations of you."



"Thank you, again, for agreeing to take care of her," Jellal articulates over the screams of his much-younger sister.

"I would say anytime," Erza replies back, projecting her voice much louder than normal in order to be heard,"but that isn't a promise I can always keep."

The two mages watch from the porch of the Fernandez residence as (Y/n) runs around the front yard, creating shrill battle cries as she battles her enemies, which are simply just sparring dummies Jellal had made in preparation to teach the five-year-old how to defend herself. Jellal cannot help but chuckle while watching (Y/n) stab one of the dummies with a small branch she had pulled off a tree.

"I must leave now, if I am to make it to the city in time." Jellal informs his red-headed companion. He cups his hands around his mouth and shouts to his sibling, relaying the information in simpler terms for her understanding.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO," she shrieks back, dropping her stick and running full-speed towards her brother. Without stopping, the blue haired child tackles Jellal into a tight hug. "Don't go, Onii-Chan!"

Kneeling down onto the soft, grass, Jellal places a gloved hand on (Y/n)'s shoulder. "I must go, (Y/n). There is a city waiting for me to save its people."

"Okay," the blue haired girl says, drawing out the last syllables to show her resentment.

"Thank you, (Y/n). You're being very mature about this. I'll be sure to bring back a gift for you."


With a big smile replacing the frown on her face, (Y/n) hugs her older sibling tightly before running off to continue playing. Jellal brushes off the grass from his pants as he stands. He bids Erza farewell.

"I'll take good care of her," the redhead assures after seeing the man turn around with a worried expression. She walks up to him and gently shoves him onwards. "Go on, time waits for no one."


"(Y/n), please! Sit down and eat your dinner!" Erza pleads. For the past hour she has been trying to get the wild toddler to settle down for her evening meal.

""NOOO! I'm waiting for Onii-Chan to come back," (Y/n) screams, running around in circles to avoid the mage who's been assigned as her babysitter. "It's almost his birthday and I wanna surprise him. I'm gonna wait for Onii-Chan. I wanna eat with him!"

All the young woman can do is sigh. She was informed that (Y/n) can be stubborn at times once her mind is set on doing something. There's little Erza can do to get the child to divert her attention elsewhere. She racks her brain for ideas to distract (Y/n). A possible solution to her problem suddenly pops into the redhead's mind.

"(Y/n)," Erza coos,"If you sit down and eat your dinner, I'll take you out to get some cake."

Without a second of hesitation, (Y/n)'s head whips around, her large, (e/c) eyes sparkling with excitement. The only word that caught her attention was "after dinner" and "cake".

"YAAAAYYYY!! CAAKKEEEEE," she squeals in delight. The girl runs over to the dinner table and plops herself into her seat, her chubby hands grabbing a nearby fork hastily to dive into her meal. "Itadakimasu!"

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Erza joins the young child at the table and begins to eat. The two engage in small talk, the subjects changing from Jellal to all the wonderful things about cake. Time flies by as the duo chat away. Before they even realize it, the sun has begun to set.

"Well, a promise is a promise. Let's go get us some cake," Erze announces upon setting her eating utensil down onto the polished surface of the table. She smiles warmly when (Y/n) jumps up and down with joy. "Okay, let's go."



Once again, Erza finds herself sighing. She lets her tired body rest on the couch in the center of the room as she wearily watches a now sugar-high child run around in a frenzy with a bunch of plushies in her arms. After feeding (Y/n) only one slice of strawberry cake, she has been uncontrollable.

This has been happening for several days now, but feeding sugary confections to (Y/n) also has its benefits. All the running and screaming eventually tires out the young girl, leaving her to fall asleep wherever she was previously standing at. Despite this pro, Erza cannot stand the long, loud, piercing cries of excitement.

If she were one of her teammates, Erza would knock her out in an instant. Unfortunately, with (Y/n) being much younger than her fellow team members, knocking the blue haired child into unconsciousness would be morally wrong. With Natsu or Gray, Erza wouldn't think twice before landing a harsh blow to the backs of their heads.

"(Y/n), please, calm down," the redhead pleads, yet again, to the girl. When she only receives ear-piercing shout in response, Erza plants her face forcefully into a pillow, her cries of frustration muffled by the stuffed cushion.

The sound of the front door creaking open fails to reach Erza's ears; (Y/n)'s screaming stifles the groaning of the door's hinges. A pair of boot covered feet step into the room. Brown eyes scan the room, analyzing the situation.

"What is going on here?"

Two heads turn towards the voice. (Y/n) screams loudly, again, and rushes over to her older brother.


"Oof!" Jellal grunts as his sibling tackles his legs, sending him to the ground, his duffel bag doing a poor job of absorbing the impact. "(Y/n), settle down." His calm, authoritative voice makes the girl listen. She squirms around in Jellal's arms, but stays obedient. "Now, I want you to go brush your teeth and head straight to bed after. No but's, what if's."

"Okay!" (Y/n) chimes, running off without thinking to disobey her brother. Erza sits up and stares in disbelief. It took her nearly an hour to get the child to even calm down enough to sit, yet it took Jellal no more than a minute.

"Are you okay, Erza," Jellal chuckles as he watches the redhead fall back onto the couch in defeat. "Was my dear sister too much for you to handle?"

"Maybe," she mutters into the couch. Jellal chuckles again. He leans over and wraps an arm around her, letting Erza rest her head on his shoulder. "A little warning would've been much appreciated, ya' jerk."

"Okay, okay," the blue haired male says with an amused smile on his face. "I'm sorry. But what did she do that led to this disaster," he questions. Looking around the room, Jellal wouldn't be surprise if someone told him that a hurricane had hit the living room.

"She ate all my cake."

"Oh, poor you."

"Shut up."

Fairy Tail x Reader Stories (Temporarily Discontinued)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें