(42) Alzack x Reader ~ Our Hero

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Word count: 943

The gloomy weather and dark clouds plastered on the morning sky match the expressions and melancholic thoughts of the massive gathering of people standing in front of an old willow tree. Dressed in formal, black attire, all the members of Fairy Tail mourn the loss of a respected member of their guild; their family. Heavy drops of rain pelt down on the mages, but they remain in their spots, unmoving. Nothing will force them leave. Bad weather is nothing compared to the excruciating pain resting in their hearts.

Standing before the entire guild, Master Makarov speaks. She was requested that the Guild Master would conduct the ceremony. Without hesitation, he accepted. There will never come a day where he shall refuse to grant the dying wish of one of his children, so, staying true to his word, the Guild Master is currently speaking before the strong mages he sees as his own children, no matter their age. His voice fails to remain steady and none of his sentences leave his mouth without a choked sob interrupting the statements. Putting their grief aside for just a moment, the Fairy Tail mages watch and listen to the older man with sympathy. They do not envy him at all. It is hard for them to imagine themselves in their Guild Master's shoes.

With the help of Juvia, all the raindrops are diverted away from the open casket. The fat drops of precipitation hit and roll off the invisible barrier, protecting the fallen mage within. Those same drops fall upon the mages standing before the casket. They are soaked to the bone, clothes sopping wet and clinging to their shivering bodies, but they do not care. In complete silence and stillness, the men and women remain planted in their spots, allowing the raindrops to mix with their tears.

From a distance a stranger to the guild would assume the standing mages are an army. All the mages of Fairy Tail are standing in uniform rows without a single complaint regarding their surroundings' conditions. In a way, they are like an organized military force. Together, they fight for what is right. When a threat to a guild member is issued, they band together to protect their family. If and when a member passes, they shall stand together and mourn as a unity. As a family.

"Happy moments, sad moments... We can't share them all together, but whenever possible, we will shoulder it together. That's the true meaning of a guild. An individual's happiness is everyone's happiness. An individual's wrath is everyone's wrath. And an individual's tears are everyone's tears.

"Yes, this tragedy will forever stain our hearts with grief, but together, we need to channel this pain, this suffering, into our fighting spirit to take down our enemies! We will continue with on with our heads raised up high and see this tragedy not as a loss, but as a beautiful memory of our fellow guild mate, our family member, sacrificing their life to give us the opportunity to continue what has been started."

Master Makarov concludes the ceremony with a solemn bow before the casket, his goodbyes whispered and accompanied by a final kiss on the temple. The older man turns to face his family, not a another word uttered as he trudges down the path, leaving the mages to say their own goodbyes.

"Farewell, my child. I am more than proud of you. Take care of yourself."

One-by-one, individual approach the wooden casket ornamented with colorful crystals and intricate carvings, placing flowers, small accessories, and other small gifts along the padded sides. Levy, Jet, and Droy burst into tears, along with Lucy and Happy, once the casket begins to lower into the ground.

"Where's Alzack," Erza mutters, fighting to keep her tears at bay as she scans the area, searching for the man in question. A pale hand rests on the re-quip mage while another points towards a large oak tree where Alzack rests beneath with his gaze fixated on the ongoing ceremony. "He should be here."

"He's mourning, Erza. Leave him be. He'll come when he's ready."


Alzack observes in complete silence as the funeral ceremony comes to an end. The guilt of not being able to save his girlfriend leaves an unbearable pain in his heart. A flurry of degrading thoughts berate the man, questioning his abilities as a mage and lover in the relationship that has reached an unfortunate demise. Self-doubt plants a dangerous, destructive seed on top of the nutrient-rich soil of grief.

"You should've stayed put, (Y/n)," the western mage murmurs to the wind, "I would still have you by my side if you hadn't unselfishly used yourself to defend me... I am unworthy of such a sacrifice..."

Thunder and lightning cackle almost maliciously in response to Alzack's solemn words. Rain strikes the ground even harder than before, displacing dirt from the floor and splashing it onto the polished leather of the mage's shoes. With all the rain comes a rhythmic pattering that brings a therapeutic effect, temporarily soothing his aching heart.

"But still... I am forever grateful to you," Alzack thanks his late lover as he approaches her grave, pressing a kiss to the wet stone marking the area ground beneath where she lays. A plethora of offerings, gifts, and flowers adorn the headstone, just like the casket had been, but the western mage finds an vacant space atop the rounded surface of the marble surface. "Thank you, my beautiful hero. A special place will always be open for you in my heart. Soon, we will meet again, my love. Soon..."

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