(21) Gajeel x Reader ~ R&R

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Word count: 1101
(f/s): favorite scent

"Gajeel! Stop!"

"You asked for it, (Y/n)!"

"Nuuuu-ah! P-Please! I secede," (Y/n) giggles in between sharp intakes of air.

"Fine," Gajeel laughs, stopping his relentless pursuit.

The tired dragon slayer and his girlfriend lie on the carpeted floor of their shared apartment. Giggles and deep chuckles take over the once silent room. The two mages' limbs are sprawled out all across the floor, overlapping each other.

After coming back from a long and difficult job request, Master Makarov ordered Gajeel, (Y/n), and Panther Lily to rest at home for a while.  It has been a few days since the small team of three has stepped into Fairy Tail. Heeding their Guild Master's words, they've been relaxing and spending quality time with each other.

"Now that I think about it," the iron dragon slayer thinks aloud," I still need to get payback for the prank you and Lily pulled on me yesterday."

"P-Please! Hehe... N-Nooooo! G-Gaa-Gajeel," (Y/n) squeals while twisting around on the floor, trying to escape her boyfriend's torturous tickling.

Loud screeches of the front door opening does nothing to halt Gajeel's ministrations. Lily flies into the apartment with bags of groceries in both his little paws and his tail wrapped around the doorknob. The door slams shut, startling the mages. They look up to see the black furred exceed setting the plastic bags on the countertop. A smirk forms on Gajeel's face as he gets up and walks over to the exceed.

"Boo," Gajeel whispers sharply into Panther Lily's ear.

Large hands reach out and grab the small exceed's shoulders. (Y/n) screams in horror as Lily is thrown across the room. She jumps up and snatches the poor exceed from impending doom. Her hands gently cuddle Lily to her body while she scolds Gajeel for scaring Lily and then tossing him into the air.

"I'm fine," Panther Lily assures," (Y/n). I was caught off guard. That's all."

More scolds and reprimanding words leave (Y/n)'s mouth. Gajeel smiles sheepishly and apologizes to his partner for the dangerous action before reminding said partner about needing to get payback for a prank prior to this day. Lily shifts into his battle form right as the iron dragon slayer tackles him to the floor , bringing (Y/n) down with them.

"No fair, guys! You're both larger and stronger than me," the female whines playfully, plotting a devious plan in her mind.

Slowly, she snakes her hands next to Gajeel and Lily's sides. Just as the two are about to move away (Y/n) jabs her fingers at their sides, making them jump in surprise and laugh uncontrollably. Broken laughter and choked pleas return into the apartment as (Y/n) continues to tickle her teammates with an evil smile.


Team Natsu has been asked by Master Makarov to check on the three Fairy Tail members who had been ordered to stay in their home to rest. Natsu leads the way with his nose sniffing the air for (Y/n)'s scent. The pink haired boy sighs contently at the soft fragrance of (f/s) enters his nostrils.

"This way," he calls out to the Mage's trailing behind him.

"Why do we have to go," Lucy complains with a yawn. Erza glares at the celestial mage with a horrifying glare.

"Master asked us to do him a favor by checking in on them. We should not lie to him after agreeing to help him out. (Y/n), Gajeel and Panther Lily took on a very difficult job request a while ago and came back successful. The least we can do is see if they're okay," the scarlet haired mage explains with what Lucy interprets to be pride in her voice.

"Yeah," Gray pitches in," those three did us a huge favor. That request had been on the board for a long time. The guys who put in the request were going to complain if (Y/n) hadn't suggested that her team would take it."

"Oh I-"

"We're here! Let's hurry up and get this over with! I'm hungry," the fire dragon slayer pouts while patting his growling stomach.

Knock, knock.

"Gajeel? (Y/n)I Lily? It's Erza. We were sent by Master to check on you."

Nothing but silence answers back. Erza raps an armored hand against the apartment door once more, but still doesn't get an answer. Frustration is evident in her tone of voice as Erza pounds both her fists against the hinged barrier. Natsu pushes the armored female out of the way and simply kicks down the door.

In a single file line, Team Natsu walks into the apartment. The pink haired male ignites a small flame at the tips of his fingers to light the way. Happy clings onto his partner's scarf and peeks his small head up from behind Natsu's shoulder.

"Ehh! Isn't that them, Natsu," the blue exceed exclaims. Natsu turns his head left and right, but is unable to spot the two people and exceed of interest.


"There," Happy deadpans, smacking the pink haired male's head with one paw while pointing at the ground with the other.

Looking down, all of Team Natsu find Gajeel, Panther Lily and (Y/n) asleep on the floor in a pile on top of each other. Gajeel is lying on the floor with (Y/n) resting on his chest. Lily, in his smaller form, snores quietly while sprawled out on (Y/n)'s stomach with her arms wrapped around him. A droplet of drool trickles down (Y/n)'s chin and onto Gajeel's face, forming a small puddle on the iron dragon slayer's shirt.

"AWWWWWW," Lucy squeals in delight. "They're so adorable right now!! I wish Reedus could be here right now to paint this moment!"

"Let's leave them, guys," Gray suggests with a soft smile," We don't wanna be creepers and watch them while they sleep."

Nodding in unison with a um in agreement, the team files back out of the apartment. Gray uses his ice make magic to freeze the door in place and the team leaves in different directions to their respected homes.

Extended Ending:

"Oi! (Y/n)!! Why is there drool on my shirt??!!"

"It wasn't me!!"

"You're the one who is sleeping on top of me!"

"Well, Lily is technically sleeping on top of you too! He's sleeping on top of me, and I'm on top of you."

"Hey!! Don't drag me into this!"

"Gajeel... Don't you dare try and tickle me again...."

"Gee Hee!"


Fairy Tail x Reader Stories (Temporarily Discontinued)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin