Chapter 18

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Hello! I've been writing like a maniac. Haha... Well. Here is 18. I'm so sorry it's short :( I promise 19 will be longer. *sniffle* I'm so sorry... Please forgive me.

This is dedicated to MyStories4You for fanning me AND being an Ariana Grande lover LIKE ME!!!!!!!! Lol but I really love Ariana Grande. She is my idol.

Anyways... Stay beautiful! <3 I LOVE MY FUDGEKINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Arianna’s POV

I took a shaky sigh, my gaze resting on the huge audience of NYC in front of us. It was my first concert, the opening concert of the tour, and so far, I hadn’t messed up. We had one more song left, and that was my song, Almost Gone. Finally, I found the courage to speak.

“I’d like to dedicate this last song to a friend of mine. Um… He knows who he is, and I basically wrote the song for him,” I smiled at the audience. As I sang, I gave Liam a small smile, and he caught my gaze and smiled back.

As the song finished, the crowd went wild, screaming and clapping like there was no tomorrow.

Sweating, tired, and very happy, I walked backstage, only to be engulfed by sweaty arms. I turned to see Niall’s grinning face.

“How was it?” he grinned. I pushed his arms again, and the shadow of a frown crossed his face. I might have been talking to him again, but I was still very mad, and still partially avoiding him.

“Fun, amazing, and very, very, tiring,” I smiled back, and he laughed.

Soon, we were back at the hotel, my heart still beating too fast to be healthy. I walked into my room and plopped onto the bed.

Since we only had three hotel rooms, I had to share with someone, and I picked Liam, since I was still mad at, and avoiding, Niall. Liam came into the room and headed straight for the bathroom. Leaping up, I dashed to it and pushed him out of the way, jumping into the shower.

“You’ll have to wait,” I giggled and told him.

After a long, cool shower, I came out wearing fresh clothes and feeling great.

“I feel so much better,” I smirked. Liam was lying on his bed.

“Finally!” he groaned and ran into the bathroom. Sighing, I looked around the suite. There were two huge beds, a couch, a TV, two nightstands, a table, and a smaller coffee table. I smiled. There was a heavy looking, glass bowl or something on the edge of the coffee table full of little chocolate things. I immediately ate some.

Soon, Liam came out of the bathroom and suggested we do a twitcam.

“Hello!” Liam said into the webcam of his laptop. “Here I am with Arianna! It was her first concert today.” I blushed a bit.

The next half an hour went to answering other people’s questions and such.

“Liam, do we have a list of tour cities or something?” I asked him after our twitcam was done. He nodded and shuffled through his suitcase before pulling out a piece of paper and handing it to me. After reading the list, I squealed with happiness.

“What is it?” Liam asked, already in his bed and under the covers.

“San Diego is one of the cities!” I shrieked. He looked confused.


“Before England, I lived in San Diego!” I finally explained. He grinned.

“That’s going to be fun. But we have over a month until then,” he reminded me. I sulked and walked to my bed, crawling under the covers.

I woke up early, with a migraine for no apparent reason. I blinked a couple of times. Slowly, I got up and looked around the room. It was still dark out, and dark in the room. I didn’t want to turn on the lights. And I knew I had some pills for migraines on the coffee table. My arm swiped across the table, looking for the pills, and instead, I hit something big, making it fall onto my foot.


The heavy object, probably the bowl I saw earlier, hit my foot, making me curse and jump, yelping in pain and bewilderment.

That was obviously a bad idea, as the thing that had fallen was made of glass, and had shattered on the floor when it fell. And I had just jumped on it. I felt more bursts of pain in the foot that the thing had fallen on.

Liam’s POV

I heard a thud, and the sound of glass shattering, and a scream.

“WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST BREAK???” Arianna screeched. I rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly. It was still dark out, so I reached out to turn on the light.

The bowl that had been filled with chocolate was on the ground, shattered, and next to the mess of glass stood Ari, looking at me with a scared expression. Her face was pale, and her foot was bleeding heavily.

“What happened?” I gasped.

“I had a headache, so I was going to get the Advil, but I knocked down the bowl and it hit my foot and then I jumped because I was scared and I think there’s glass in my foot and… Shit it hurts so much,” she groaned.

I crawled out of bed and looked at her foot.

“Let’s go wash off the blood,” I told her.

“I don’t think I can walk. My foot feels broken and it hurts really bad and all I see right now is blood.” Without a word, I lifted her into my arms, bridal style, and carried her to the loo. Inside, I put her down on the counter, and gently took her foot in my hands, turning the water on.

“THAT HURTS LIKE HELL, LIAM!” she shrieked.

“Sorry!” I squeaked. Finally, after a lot of screaming from Ari, I had washed out the blood and wrapped her foot in one of my old T-shirts.

“We have to go to the hospital. Which means we have to wake up Louis or Harry,” I stated. Once again taking her in my arms, I grabbed the key card from our room and walked to the hallway. Louis’ room was right next to ours, but before I could knock on the door, it swung open, making me jump and brush Ari’s foot a tiny bit on the ground.

“LIAM!!! BE MORE CAREFUL!” she screamed, and I flinched. I turned my gaze back to the door, to see a very confused Louis at the door.

“What happened? I heard a bang and lots of screaming,” he worriedly told me.

“We need to get Ari to the hospital. I’ll explain later,” I briskly told him. I heard another door open, and saw a confused Niall leaning on the doorframe.

“Who’s shouting so much?” he groggily asked. He blinked, and his eyes widened as the scene in front of him sunk in. I looked at Ari, whose face was pale. The blood had already soaked through the shirt.

“Why is there so much explanation needed here? I dropped a bowl on my foot and I think I broke a bone or something and then I got a bunch of glass in it too, SO GET ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!” Ari shouted at us.

Someone was moody. Of course, she had reason. Niall’s eyes widened, and immediately, Louis grabbed car keys.

“Let me carry her,” Niall offered, and with a sigh of relief, I carefully handed her to him. I hadn’t eaten too much in the past month, and it was taking a toll on my muscles and body.

In a deadly cold silence, the four of us walked down to the car management had rented for us, and Niall gently set Ari down in the backseat, positioning her legs carefully on his lap. He began to talk to her in a soothing, quiet voice, and soon, we were at the nearest hospital.

Hehe... So I'll try to post 19 tomorrow... But who knows? So yeah. And I'm going to start a Louis fanfic soon... OMG I have so many ideas. Right now, I have like 4 more fanfic ideas, lol. What do you guys think about having this one, a Liam one, a Harry one, and 2 Louis ones? Lol it's gonna take me forever to write all these...

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